Wednesday, June 11, 2014

News: about the Moon and about the Willow Tree (and the full moon on Friday the 13th)

Yup, on Friday the 13th, there will be a full moon.

It's been all over the internet.

What does this mean? Probably a bunch of yelling and screaming, and packs of werewolves hunting all over the place.

So, heads up. And lock your doors for sure. But you might want to peek at the moon too.

About the willow tree, mine fell down. Big Time. Come to find out these trees do not last forever. It may have been felled by a lightning strike, or just had it and decided to fall. It fell sideways instead of into the house, so that's good.

BUT I have been wondering whether or not to plant another on in its place. Find out more here:

What to plant where the Willow Tree was.

And if you are superstitious, you can read more about this phenomenon here:
Full Moon and Friday the 13th collide this week - via Michael Muskal at the LA Times.


Onward and Upward!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Kentucky Senior Farmer's Market Nutrition Program 2014 - via the ALIVE Center

New from the ALIVE Center this morning:

"KY Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Use your coupons to purchase fruits, vegetables, honey, etc. 

Coupon books will be distributed at:
Community Action of Southern Kentucky
Warren County Senior Center
Education and Human Services
200 E. 4th Ave.
Bowling Green, KY

June 11th and 12th
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

**Must be 60 yrs old, based on income, must bring proof of age and income

For more information, call 270-783-4484"

Catch up! Here are two more recent postings:

 Check out more Bowling Green events here at these listed websites: Betsyanne's Event Websites Page. 

Later! -Betsyanne 

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New: Get more OFFICIAL Outdoor Program back in Girl Scouting. Our website and Facebook page.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Artist Inspiration - - from the Flying Pig Gallery and Greenspace in Wisconsin

 I just posted some great photos of the Flying Pig Gallery and Greenspace near Algoma, Wisconsin.

They have LOTS of great ideas there for artists. Of course, inspiration is different from copying... as all artists know. But these great ideas will get your creativity flowing, I am sure.

Here are some highlights from the photos: (my favorites!)

And here are all the photos:
The Flying Pig Gallery and Greenspace - my Album on Facebook (Public)

Thanks for stopping by today! :-)


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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring is here.... it's time to get back into Selling!

I have been very busy with my Outdoor Journey Project for Girl Scouts. Now it's also time to get back into my Selling, Art, Writing, and other Projects.
Via John (cygnus921) on Flickr.

So... I will be posting more about that all of those things soon.

In the meantime, here are some fun business pages to share with you, and one neat photo from Flickr that reminds me of Spring and Garden Fun.

Hootsuite: a great place to share your Tweets across multiple platforms - for free.

Flickr: where to put your photos for backup, and also just to share.

Etsy: a fun place to buy or sell your vintage or handmade goods.


**The Outdoor Journey Project for Girl Scout Member-Volunteers, Staff, and Friends of Girl Scouting - to bring more official Outdoor Program back into girl Scouting - website, FB page, and Yahoo group.

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Thursday, March 06, 2014

LinkedIn and adding people: my advice - don't try adding from your address book!

My address book adding people "shortcut" turned into a LONG CUT today on LinkedIn.

I had to take EVERY name off of there after what I thought was a short list turned into everyone who has emailed me and is in my address book. They ALL were mailed an invitation.

There was no shortcut to fixing my error either. Each name had to be "uninvited" using many clicks, one.... by.... one.

On the good side, at least people COULD be un-invited. But doing it one by one (fixing the mistake) took hours.

Ack! But it's done now. One or maybe two people got the invitation, but not hundreds, so that part is good. I'm SO glad that job is done. Never, never again will I try to do this kind of shortcut.

On the happy side, here is a neat photo to share from Flickr.

Photo by Michael Coghlan on Fickr.

It makes me think of Spring!


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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thoughts for the Day.... Things to do, Blogs, and more.

Blogs are on my weekly list. And now, my Squidoo is on my weekly list.


Here are a few of the things I'm doing:

1. Finding things to sell for my new Etsy page I will have up soon.

2. Do Taxes.

3. Fix Squidoo pages and send an email about it.

4. Finish the blogs for the week.

5. Go on the KyNect page (again) and see if my insurance choice will save (again)

6. Call KyNect again to let them know about website problems. Maybe.

7. Organize papers

8. Organize everything else! At least some of it.

9. Put list of items and prices for ConCave on artist sheets.

10. Get more bags of things ready to go. Out.

In the meantime, while posting to blogs and taking care of FB pages, I see some very interesting links. Here are some to share:

Beware of Fake Facebook Fundraising Campaigns using Likes & Shares

A Legend Lost - Gypsy RV

WordTamer - an Interactive Journey in Creative Writing

The Internet Guide to Freighter Travel

Why Google Pushed Me to Build a (Bigger) Link Network

So What is Bubblews, and is it worth joining?

Doodle: Easy Scheduling

Later, gators!


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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Are you on Yahoo? It's time to change your password. Here's how.

There was a recent news story about Yahoo being hacked. 

I wrote out how to change a password on Yahoo for a friend today. Here it is again for my readers.

How to Change your Yahoo Password:

#1. Log into Yahoo with your current password.

#2. At the top of your Yahoo page, go to the top right. You will see your Avatar (picture) and it should say, Hi, ______ (your name). To the right of that, at the very right, you will see a wheel symbol. Click that, then click Account Info.

#3. Put your password in the requested box to go on. Hit "sign in".

#4. Scroll down, until you see the Sign-in and Security Bar. The first link there is Change your Password. Put in your current password there, plus your new one.

Follow all instructions after that. You will need to sign in again after this.

Keep a copy of your password in a notebook or somewhere else secure (not as a text file on your desktop - too easy for a hacker to find).

Change your password to Yahoo maybe once every 3-6 months or more. Some say every two weeks, some say once a month.

But for sure, any time a site is hacked, and you find out, change it IMMEDIATELY.

There is a link to help you choose a secure password right there on the page, above the box.

You may also want to pick a new password with the help of these links:

These look extra difficult to hack. Mine are usually one step down from these ultra-good ones.

I suggest having a number, a capital letter and a symbol in your password. Locate the capital letter where you least expect it (like in the middle).

And, if in need, you may want to use the Help section in Yahoo or any other site. How to find it? Usually at the bottom of the page, usually in little letters. OR search for it in the Search Box usually provided on most sites.

Here is where it is located on the Yahoo site:

I found another very good site on Yahoo today too. It is How to tell if your account was hacked.

This page also talks about the recent Security problem, and explains what they did about it.

I just went to it, and it has some great links there (like you can check who has logged in to your account lately!)

All for now,


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Five great series books you can read more than once.

These are all great books and I think you'll like them too.

These are great books, and can be read more than once. I'm aware that young people often see movies more than once. Very young people see their favorite movies a lot more times than that!

I am the same way with some great series books. If you have not tried these series books or authors, and want something new to try, you can try these. They are not in any particular order.

#1. The Alphabet Mysteries by Sue Grafton. Starting with A is for Alibi, these popular mysteries star Kinsey Milhone, a private investigator in California. I really like these books, mostly because Kinsey is such a funny, entertaining heroine. She doesn't take any nonsense, is very clever, and doesn't mind "bending the rules" to get evidence or find things out. AND she gets paid in advance. I found Sue Grafton's official website today, and I think I will sign up for updates here.

#2. The Lord of the Rings saga - - otherwise known as the Hobbit Series or Middle Earth books. If you have seen the movies, it's OK. Start out with The Hobbit and then continue on to the main three books, The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, and the Return of the King. There are more books out there, but these are the main ones. I think I have read this series at least three times. It's excellent. And it's always fun to read the book, then see the movies. Again. This Lord of the Rings Wiki page is pretty good. Watch out for spoilers though. There are LOTS of other pages to discover for this wonderful series. One of the best is hosted by the Tolkien Society. While you're at it, the One Ring site and the Tolkien Online pages are good too.

#3. Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta series is about Dr. Kay Scarpetta, renowned Medical Examiner. What is great about this series is not only the mysteries and the hunts for serial killers. It's the relationships and the history behind them that make these stories great. You get to know Kay (like Kinsey, above) as real, multi-faceted people with both public and private lives and backgrounds. Dr. Scarpetta has helped to raise her niece, who turns out to be a technical and computer genius. She is in love with Benton Wesley, an FBI profiler, and she works with a gruff, emotionally damaged policeman named Pete Marino, who secretly (or not-so-secretly) is in love with her, but won't admit it to himself. As you read more about these characters, you grow to really like them - a lot. And they grow in the series too. Patricia Cornwell has her own site here.

#4. The Miles Vorkosigan Series, by Lois McMaster Bujold, is an exciting space saga science fiction fantasy about Miles, born to a privileged family, but injured in an attack on his mother before he was born, resulting in brittle bones and short stature because of it. Luckily, he receives medical treatment, but must try a lot harder than his peers to prove himself. He has inter-planetary adventures aplenty, that are enthralling. There are several companion books to this series, but they start out with Cordelia's Honor, about Miles' parents. I actually have not read this one yet. Two related books can be read before this one if you want to. You can also read them out of order, which I did. The first Miles Vorkosigan book I read was The Vor Game, but if I were starting over (again) with these, which I plan to, I would start with Barrayar or Cordelia's Honor (Shards of Honor and Barrayar). You can find out more about the Miles Vorkosigan universe on the Vorkosigan Saga Wikipedia page.

#5. The Wild Card Series Books, R.R. Martin, Editor. These books/anthologies have just been republished after a long (10-year) stretch, but are books about an alternate universe in which superheroes have adventures. They are co-written by different authors, which makes them super interesting and hard to put down. They often talk about incidents from different points of view too. You must start at the beginning for this series to keep things straight. The first book to read is Wild Cards #1. One good thing about this series is that when you find the original books, they are very collectable. I just have paperback copies of SOME of these, but I am on the lookout for 1-5 again, and will be reading this series again in a few years. The stories here are not like any you may have read before. They also have great interpersonal relationships and "what-if" scenarios. It's an awesome series, co-written by some of the "who's who" of science fiction. You can find out more at the Wikipedia page. On Amazon, they have a great description of this series. Here it is: "There is a secret history of the world—a history in which an alien virus struck the Earth in the aftermath of World War II, endowing a handful of survivors with extraordinary powers. Some were called Aces—those with superhuman mental and physical abilities. Others were termed Jokers—cursed with bizarre mental or physical disabilities. Some turned their talents to the service of humanity. Others used their powers for evil. Wild Cards is their story."

I have attached links to buy books from these series from Amazon if you wish. I like getting either new or used books at Amazon.

Of course, you can also shop around at other fun new or used bookstores to find them. My favorite bookstore right now is in Nashville, and it's called McKay's Used Books. You can trade YOUR books there for store credit, which is also fun.


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Thursday, January 16, 2014

My refrigerator was Magically Repaired. Good job, Magically Repaired repair service!

Storm clouds at Mays Lick by Chris Breeze on Flickr

It's raining tonight after an eventful day.

I thought after our very old refrigerator (23 years!) stopped working, that I'd need to buy another one.  But I got on Angie's List and found a great repair service. I liked their name too. It's true - - after thinking I'd need a NEW one, my old one was Magically Repaired instead. :-)

I thought I see if it was easily fixed, then decide.

They came the day after I called, and fixed a switch and now it works. The food's gone from inside to outside and then inside the refrigerator again.

I do appreciate our refrigerator so much, now that we didn't have it for awhile. Now the kitchen's cleaned up, plus the fridge and freezer cleaned too.

I learned a LOT about getting new refrigerators too. Although we have 3 or more stores here in town, they take 2+ days to be delivered. And smaller sized refrigerators are harder to get. So I'm doubly happy that we got to keep our smaller one that fits so well in our kitchen.

There are bottom freezer models now, of course drink dispensers (which I didn't need), french door ones, and super-tall models. I measured twice, then imagined how a larger one would look. Now I don't need to squish one in. Yay.

Happy sigh. I think I'll sleep pretty well tonight!


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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Time for a New Calendar, and a New 2014 Plan.

1-2014 - An Update.

I am using a new calendar, and deciding what to do for 2014 too. I expect lots of people are doing this right now.


I didn't make any New Years' Resolutions except a couple - - to endeavor to achieve a cost balance cash flow (money in = money out), to devote some time to creativity and finishing projects, and to live each day to the fullest.

Some magazines and books are helping me do this. One is Mary Jane's Farm, a great, fun magazine that features hobbies, a farm lifestyle, and stories of women doing fun things.

Here is her website: (select where to go from this page).


We ran our faucets the last couple of days, and luckily did not have any pipes freeze up.

I rescued my daughter's sheet music which I found in the yard and utilized some book-saving methods I learned from my mother. They are in a book press right now with white-facing paper inbetween each one.


Look for some NEW online selling stores soon from me. I will sell at several venues, hopefully Ebay, Amazon AND Etsy.


And later, maybe I will take or give some classes.

So, what's up with you all? Leave a comment.

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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Can you choose to be happier? These people thought so...

Learning from other's regrets...

Photo by Michael Coghlan on Fickr.

I have read some articles about what people regret doing and NOT doing with their lives at the end of them... But I was curious again. Would these people say something different? So I immediately read it.

Some were afraid to be happy or to be themselves, or to do what made them happy. Some just got used to being UNhappy and it was really hard to get back to the time when they laughed and let life happen.

People wish they had been more courageous in living their lives and expressing their feelings, had not worked so hard, had stayed in touch with their friends more, and had "let" themselves be happier.

Being unhappy can become a habit... I know. But grief and loss need time to heal, if you are going through that too.

So... the difference in this article was that some people realized that being happy was a choice they had not made enough. It's worth thinking about - - for me.

Read more about these things.

Via: Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed

In the new year, I will be trying to follow these ideas so I can make the time I have left (which is unknown!) more meaningful.

And first off I will thank YOU, my readers, for coming by to read this today.

Have a great week.


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Wednesday, January 01, 2014

New Year's Day Traditions - lucky traditional Southern foods

Today we eat Lucky Foods.

Yes, Lucky Foods. It is a long tradition in this area and further South, and probably all over in this country. My husband is from Tennessee, which (I have heard many times) makes him a Southerner through and through.

I am an adopted Kentuckian, though do have some Kentucky roots, through my Grandmother Logsden and a family who lived at Land Between the Lakes before it was made into a Recreation Area.

For those readers who do not know, the traditional menu on New Year's Day for some Southern families includes these three Lucky foods:

1. Black-eyed peas,
2. Pork,
3. Greens (any kind will do).

The Rules of eating these are: you an eat them at any time during the day, you do not have to cook these yourself, and you must eat all three of them.

Eating these foods today will ensure a lucky year. NOT that everything that happens through the year will be lucky, just that if you do NOT eat these foods, things will be worse.

Just an FYI. So eating them will be on the agenda.

Betsy Anne

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas cards - - making my list (again) and sending e-cards next week.

Like many others, I have mailed some Christmas and Holiday cards and packages this week.

I did not do about one hundred, and enclose a letter (which really I hoped to do) but maybe next year I will have advanced enough in organizational skills to do some more.

However, I feel that sending e-cards this year to some more people will really help me get my Card List in order for next year.

The Jacquie Lawson card site will help me do that, as well as my email lists and notes. AND I have to admit, her beautiful Advent Calendar has brought me a lot of happiness too. It's an Edwardian house with pets, activities, and history books to read more about Christmases Past. I like it.

Here is just a clip of the Gardens from her website. Pretty!

Well, like everyone is saying this time of year, have a GREAT holiday, Yule, Solstice celebration, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, and etc. etc. this season.

All for now,

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Inspiration for Ebay Sellers - From Suzanne the Ebay Selling Coach

I've read her postings before. I like them. As I gear up for a store or just to sell more things on Ebay, I like to read about great Ebay Selling Tips and stories like these: other Ebay sellers and how they are making a go on Ebay.

This story is about Tiffany Nabors, who has an extremely well-organized selling space, PLUS has 1370 items listed. 1370?? Wow. I am thinking, what if they all sell at once? She would be wrapping for, like, forever! She'd probably need to get help.

But it's inspiring to hear about. Here is that link:
eBay Selling Coach: eBay Seller Success Story - Tiffany Nabors. 

Here is her store: Round Robin Boutique.

I have sold on Ebay before. I have one thing on there right now, it's a cassette tape version of Sarah the Dutchess of York's book, My Story. I have personally listened to this, and it was really good. But it is a cassette, so you will also need a cassette tape player, which hopefully you already have.

Here is that listing: Sarah the Dutchess of York: My Story.

I prefer cassette tape-books, that or Kindle ones, but cassettes because they are easy to turn off and on, and always start back where you want them to.

Oh - and here is Suzanne's blog, The Ebay Selling Coach. She's on BlogTalk Radio too. Now that also sounds fun.

Have a great day!


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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Saving my Bookmarks, My Printshop Dream, Ideas, and the Girl Scout Outdoor Journey Project

Saving my Bookmarks - I keep many bookmarks of interesting places, sometimes saving them to other sites too, like Stumbleupon especially. I use Firefox, and every so often I save them, using their  Bookmarks - Show all Bookmarks - then Backup, in JSON format and html, just in case.

Some of my favorites (so you can explore) are: Twitter,  Ping-O-Matic,, YMLP, Squidoo, Google+, and Pinterest.

My Printshop Dream - always this is a different venue. But another buyer is rumored to have bought the (dream) business, and always we, the employees, are waiting for an update. However, it seems that some other people have gotten the news, and are waiting for more news. Usually I am in the dark, and hear rumors.

The latest twist to this dream is that there seems to be a move in order to another location. As usual, I am the last to now what is going on. (This hearkens back to several true stories, which I won't share here - at least not yet). It is a nightmare, mostly, only with hope, because the ax doesn't quite fall yet, then I wake up.

Ideas - I have many of these, and just must pick one to do first. Finish the books, do the poetry, paint some more, do jewelry, start my Etsy store, etc. etc. Too many projects. Not enough time. Yadda, yadda, yadda. The trick is to MAKE time for what is important.

The Outdoor Journey Project - this Facebook page now has 2000 plus members. My personal motto, "Onward and Upward", does apply to this group, because it keeps growing. The main reason for this group is to come up with ideas to get more official Outdoor Program back into Girl Scouting. This is not going backwards in time, this is fixing a mistake, in my opinion. The Journeys have some good benefits for Girl Scout girls, but Outdoor Education is also very important, and we need more attention paid to it.

The group members have lots of imaginative ideas, and plan to be there handing out buttons at the 2014 National Council Session. WE are Taking Action too, and talking to GSUSA National people too. I believe putting more official Outdoor Program back into the official program will help Girl Scout Camps too. Want to help? Join us!

Here are our sites:

The Outdoor Journey website

The Outdoor Journey Facebook Page

The Outdoor Journey Yahoo group (for people not on Facebook)

I hope you are having a GREAT week, awesome readers.


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Friday, December 06, 2013

I am hoping the Willow Tree will be OK! Plus the new Hot Dog place in town, more.

Crossing my fingers...

Last time my area had an ice storm, the willow tree in my yard lost a LOT of branches.

It still is OK, and hopefully will weather this storm too.

The new Hot Dog place in town

There is a new hot dog place in town. It is in a small building on 31-W (1427)  that used to be a chicken place. They have tables and booths too.

It is called Big Al's Chicago Style. It has Chicago Style hot dogs, PLUS also Polish Sausage, and Italian  Sausage and hand cut style French Fries.

We like it.

Signing up for Obamacare

I go online again today and sign up for a Health Care Plan hopefully.  I think it's good that Kentucky has a website that helps us do that. It is Kynect:

I hope you are having a great week, and a terrific holiday too.


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Monday, December 02, 2013

Presents wrapped, check. Tree up, not yet. Next up: Blog updates!

Well, I have most of my presents wrapped, but everything is not yet done. But I'm getting there!

I hope things are going well for you too.

Lights photo by Dave Parker on Flickr.

Something I like to do this season is drive around and look at all the beautiful light displays around town. We have some good ones!

There is just something so fun about seeing those lights every year.
I hope everyone has a GREAT holiday.


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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Edwin and Linda got married! I took some photos too.

I went to this wedding on Sunday, November 18, 2013, and I'm glad I did. 

They had it at Chaney's Dairy Barn, a famous venue for ice cream and dairy tours.

They also had a veil over a cow statue there. And what a nice band they had. I could not hear all of the wedding, but I did hear some of the beautiful vows and the fun music and got to take a few pictures too.

I think they had a LOT more people than they thought they would. Just saying. It was standing room only. I tried to give up my seat, but somebody else gave the person a seat in the FRONT, which was the area for VIP's.

Here are some of the photos (I'll post the rest on Facebook and post a link after that here.)

Our view of the wedding. Note the pillar and people. (haha)

Edwin offers Linda some of Chaney's famous Ice Cream.

Linda and Romanza talk.

Here is that cow I told you about...

And here is Edwin and Linda's Engagement Announcement in the Daily News. 

We got a FREE cup of delicious ice cream at the wedding. What a great idea.

Congratulations, and many happy returns, Linda and Edwin.

Well that's it for now. Off I go to post on Facebook, then post a link here.


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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Here is a view of the Willow Tree, plus a Krampus Carol. Love it.

A view of the Willow Tree...

The Willow Tree in the front yard looks much like this today. There are a few more leaves on the ground though.

Today was a good day on Facebook and for doing my blog postings.

I also found  this great video on YouTube I think you will like. Who doesn't know someone who could maybe benefit from a visit from Krampus? I knew some high schoolers that I would have told Krampus about 5 years ago.

But to be fair, a few of these young people deserved great presents from Santa. It's the other ones that could have benefited from a Krampus visit.

But maybe not a visit as serious as this one. Maybe just a good scare!

So... here it is. A Krampus Karol - - - by Anthony Bourdain.

Here is hoping you have a GREAT week.


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