Monday, January 28, 2013

Fun at the Nashville Flea Market January 2013

The Nashville Flea Market is held monthly at the State Fairgrounds. I went yesterday.

They have loads of fun stuff to look at - from antiques to new crafts, plus food, baby clothing, barbeque, soap, scarves, perfume, jewelry, handmade birdhouses, and lots more.

I found some cedar shaving bags that smelled great. I plan to give these for Christmas presents.

Here are a couple of photos I took:
Balloon helicopter.

Flea Market Booth.

Antique Flea Market Booth.

The Incredible Balloon Hulk.

A Flea Market Aisle.

Southern Belle Balloon Girl.


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Some photos from downtown Nashville and closeby

It's fun to see the tourists and beautiful old buildings on the way home from occasional Nashville journeys. It makes me want to go and spend a whole weekend sometime.

It would be fun to walk up and down the streets and take more photos.

Here are a few of the photos I took yesterday. I hope you like them!

Here's to color, music, and to Nashville. Later!


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Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Bookworm - a Nashville bookstore going out of business

Our visit to The Bookworm in Nashville

I was sorry to see that this bookstore was going out of business. We'd been there before, and bought a couple of books.

Now, since the store is going out of business, most books are $2.00, and some new ones are 1/2 off cover price.

So why are they going out of business? One of the owners thinks that e-readers are the reason.

I'm not so sure.

Parnassus Books has recently opened in Nashville too. They have many books on display, a special children's section, and events nearly every day. They are doing a good business.

And Barnes and Noble are selling their own e-reader, as well as books, games, and lattes.

But this store is not the only one I've heard of that is going out of business. I say, at least for older people, bookstores CAN still be a business that makes money. I like books AND ebooks. They both have their place with me.

I enjoy holding and arranging a "regular" book, but also find it fun to look at an e-book occasionally.

What do you think? Leave a comment.


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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

A busy day updating blogs, Squidoo, and more...

I am having a busy day!

I just updated my selling page, The Best Books and Collectibles.

I realized that I had way too many links there, plus didn't have enough things to look at on the page. So I took a lot of links off, took a column out, and added some Amazon links that I like too.

Next step will be sharing more products and things for sale there.

Also, I updated my From the Garden Spot blog, which features selected events for the Bowling Green area. I added some pages, and events.

Now to go to the Squidoo site and see if I can do a quick Lens Page about My Favorite Etsy Stores. I'll post the link here when I get it done. Then I will "bless" some lenses I like there and visit their discussion boards.

This blog has the title, The Moon and the Willow Tree.

This year, (in the Spring or Summer) I hope to take some willow branches and make a homemade living fence with some of them. It should be fun!

All for now,

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Friday, January 04, 2013

My diabetes story and tips for those with adult-onset diabetes

Yup, I have diabetes. And I'm working to control it now.

I have some tips and discoveries here on this blog to share about what it's been like since I have been living with diabetes.

I hope they can help some people who know they need to get a checkup, but are maybe afraid of what they might find out if they do.

I'm glad I went and got more information about diabetes. I have learned a lot since starting this journey.

Some of these tips may also apply to "regular" diabetics too. I am relatively recently diagnosed with diabetes, though my doctor saw it coming on, and diabetes does run in my family. My father and Aunt both had it. My grandmother may have also had it. She died young.

Since my diabetes didn't involve fainting, and I mostly still felt OK, I was able to ignore it longer than some people can. But high levels of glucose in the body can be quite unhealthy!

But then I thought about my dad, who had to have his legs amputated because of side effects from diabetes. He had some other bad side effects too that caused an early death from it.

I decided to try to avoid that. Fear made me go back to the doctor again.

About testing
Once, I tried doing my own testing and hated it. It hurt - a lot, because my fingertips are pretty tender.

I have the feeling most people's fingers are also pretty tender. Anyway (big mistake) I stopped doing it at all. That was not a good reason to stop, as I know now.

But now I do testing three times a day. Does it hurt any less? Well, a little. I have found a good tester that isn't so hard on my fingers.

I use a One Touch Delica lancet ("a finger stabber") to prick my fingers for testing. I also use a ReliOn machine to calculate my blood sugar with a testing strip. The One Touch is a good glucose tester machine (meter)  too, but the strips cost more, so I thought I'd save money on that.

I tried the ReliOn Glucose Tester and it was a lot harder on my fingers than the One Touch, so I switched back.

I keep a record of times and blood glucose level now, so I can keep on track.

You know the commercial about testing on your arm? Well, if you do that (and I haven't tried it yet), you have to use a much deeper setting plus sometimes another attachment to your lancet. It's easier for me to use my fingers. My thumbs are best so far! And I started with depth level 3, and now it's on 4 for easier testing.

About my diet (correction: healthy living plan...)
I have found out many things about my diet since I started going to a doctor and to a nutritionist. One important thing I learned is that I actually NEED carbohydrates. And I needed a LOT more fiber in my diet too.

I now take pills for my diabetes, and also vitamins. I keep a food diary too.

More tips
Staying on more or less a stable schedule helps me, because I can pretty much know when to test, and my body stays more or less on a schedule, which helps my blood sugar.

I stay away from crackers (usually these don't have much fiber anyhow) and I peek at the labels of everything I eat.

I have said goodbye for now to some of my favorite snacks, which weren't very healthy for me, especially because I did not usually eat just one serving of them. I find if they aren't here in the house, I am not tempted to eat them.

More things I didn't know about food and eating
I never really noticed what a serving size was before. You can easily eat too much of a certain food and go off of your low-carb or healthy food diet by having too much of something. Reading labels helps you know how much sugar or fat is in a food, too.

Fruit is actually GOOD for you, as good as it is for people who are NOT diabetic. They have fiber, which is good for your digestion, and also keeps you full.

I have already lost weight, and hope to lose more. But it's a slow process. In the meantime, I do feel healthier and I'm learning to make better choices.

Did you know if you have high glucose in your body, it sets the stage for clogged arteries? I didn't know about this much. It's because your blood becomes thickened, and can no longer flow easily into your peripheral arteries in your hands and feet. The reason? The arteries there are thinner than a hair - and the blood can't fit if it is too thick.

Controlling your blood thickness is part of diabetes care too.

There is lots more I have learned, which I will write about another time. I hope this helps some people! You can't always tell if you are hurting yourself. You can write it off as "just getting old" or something, when actually you can help a great deal if you take control earlier rather than later.

And having something like diabetes can make you feel - well - old! Nobody wants to feel old. But to help with this, you can feel younger inside by learning more about your health, no matter what you need to work on.

I'm glad I know what I do now.

And thanks for reading!

List YOUR health discoveries as a comment if you want to. I'd like that!

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PS Here is what I use and what these products look like.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy 2013 - Happy New Year to all the Moon and Willow Tree readers.

Have a wonderful 2013!

Do you have any resolutions for this year?

I have a few.. the usual - get organized, sell some books and collectibles, lose more weight, get in better shape, exercise, etc. etc.

Hopefully I will be able to write "2013" on my checks instead of 2012 for awhile!

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fluffy snow is so appealing... some photos.

Don't you just love snow?

Here in South Central Kentucky we got a nice, fluffy snowfall yesterday. It melted soon after it fell, but it was sure pretty.

This big building may still be for sale. I would buy it if I had the money. It's a fine old building. The Odd Fellows group used to meet there. There are lots of office spaces there too, plus the bottom part is rented.

The snow looks nice in front of here too. So far, Bowling Green has not had much of the white stuff. But I do like seeing it here sometimes. Of course, on the news, we saw other parts of the country with cars piled up, accidents, and vehicles trying to get out of snow drifts (the dark side of a snowfall!) too.

But isn't snow just delightful sometimes?

The snow looks especially good downtown. The park is so pretty. Plus I like the buildings in downtown Fountain Square Park here in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Especially the older ones. They do look especially good with some snow falling in front of them. :-)

Above, you can see Tea Squares is open (the building with the awning). They have soup, great sandwiches, and of course, little squares of cake you can have for dessert. Also, there is lots to look at in the store. Just get a little wooden table and check out the wall displays. You can buy gifts there too.
Teresa Shea, an owner, is often there - I got to meet her after she moved here from New Orleans. If you see her, say hi for me.

And two doors down to the left is Mr. Holland at his store, Holland House. His little (but cute!) store features lots of items for stamp and coin collectors. I saw some really neat old U.S. paper money last time I was there. I like the displays there.

Well, time to be off and check my other blogs.

Join me online - I'd love to see you there.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Making new memories for Christmas, and the Hobbit Movie was great!

This year we had such fun.

We unwrapped presents, then had some Chinese food, then saw the movie The Hobbit.

Photo by Zepfanman on Flickr.

I loved it!

And can't wait until the next movie in the trilogy. Some people said online they didn't like the special effects, but I thought they were really great.

It's been a busy, busy week, and will be busier until next week. But I liked today, and will put it among my cherished memories.

How was your holiday week? Good, I hope.

The Garden Spot, Kentucky

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Friday, December 21, 2012

The Eloise B. Houchens Center Trees of Christmas Exhibit

The theme for this year's Trees of Christmas was Trees Around the World.

There were so many different trees - upstairs and downstairs. The Houchens Center also has a gift area, and you can donate to the group of your choice below each tree.

The exhibit is totally free! So if you have not seen this yet, put it on your list. It is open 10-2 Monday through Friday, Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 1-4 through the 22nd.

There are so many more trees to see. I had a wonderful time.

More photos are here on my FB photo page too.

What a great exhibit. And there were so many OTHER groups represented there besides the Eloise B Houchens Center. I saw a tree representing the Moose Lodge and also one for the Girl Scouts.

I found out about more groups I didn't even know about, which was also fun.



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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Richpond Market has great food! Plus I posted a cute Anime girl photo.

Richpond Market and Deli has GREAT tenderloin biscuits. Just saying. They also have steak biscuits.

In fact, they are famous for them!

I also liked this hand-painted sign.

Are you ready for the holidays? Have your Christmas tree up? I am curious.

I don't have our tree up... and the presents are not all wrapped yet. BUT I have gotten a lot done anyhow.

Here is hoping you have a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Winter Soltice, etc. etc. Gather your loved ones around you and let them know you love them.

If you are not back here before then, have a Merry Christmas -  - Joyous Solstice - Happy Hanukkah - and Merry Yuletide!

photo by Danny Choo on Flickr CC with an Attribution/Sharealike license.

 I love
I love this photo. It reminds me of the many anime books I have been reading lately.

Isn't she cute?

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Walking in the Neighborhood - some photos and thoughts

Today was a perfect day for a walk.

It was not too cold at all. I hope to do a lot more of it in the future (walking, that is!)

What I noticed today was that nobody was outside. Nobody! At least where I was.

I could hear a lot of birds though. It was a very peaceful walk.

Peaceful cows.

Looking down the road.

I love how neat and pretty her area is.

Inside this bush were many birds.

My gangly willow tree.

That's all for now.  Later!


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Monday, December 10, 2012

Love Booksales? I do, too. Here are some thoughts and a neat website.

I went to another fun booksale with Rickey recently.

These are always fun. Sometimes (often!) you can find treasures there. Thanks for taking me, Rickey!

I found some (non-library marked) paperbacks there I liked for reading AND for trading. And I got to say hi to a couple of old friends there too.

Like sometimes happens, there were a couple of probable dealers there. How could I tell? Because they were taking books off the shelves fast - - too fast - - and loading them into their bags or onto their arms. The problem was, they were not letting others look at these books. I know I (and others) may have lost out on a lot of books this way.

I don't think this is polite, but there is not a Rules Sheet around, so it is (regrettably) legal. 

Personally, I was reading the titles and checking the books out first like usual. And letting others look too, if possible. And switching off positions in the line.

It was pretty crowded, especially in the non-fiction aisle, especially at first because we were there close to the opening. Sometimes people would stand so that nobody could get by. This is annoying, but I have come to expect it.

What I do if a section is crowded is (usually) go to another, less crowded section, and just chalk it up. Or I try to crane my neck and look interested. Sometimes, someone will move over. Sometimes not.

It is just more pleasant when people are nice to each other at book sales. I like to share my viewing with others. And some other people do too. I don't want to push somebody away or say something I might regret - - so if I run across somebody hogging a section, I just move away for awhile.

I have learned some other things in my times at book sales. Some things I don't usually buy anymore (unless they are about a favorite hobby or somehow special in another way) are:

Hardcovers, and

Library stamped books.

They are harder to trade, and not worth as much usually. And I feel like I have enough hardcovers. I'm sure I may be missing out sometimes, but for now I'm going to mostly skip these. Hardcovers are usually bigger too, and I have a dearth of shelf space, to put it mildly. They are also heavier, as a rule.

Something I want to share with my awesome readers: if you love book sales, you can find out about them by subscribing to Book Sale Finder's Sale Mail.

Checking at the site today, I found out that you can also get "Book Sales to Go" which lets you know about book sales taking place while you travel too - for your Garmin and your TomTom, plus a generic version.

What a great idea!


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And you may like these popular postings too:

My Top 16 Online Sales and Auction Sites - rated

Ning Alternatives for your Group or Interest (Social Networking Sites)

Ode to the Twinkie 

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Thank goodness for duct tape!

Duct tape - by Markbritton via Wikimedia Commons.

I made another Duct Tape Repair today. 

 I was so glad to have it around, and a FULL roll.

It was grey. And I mended my dryer vent with it. I made the longest strips ever, and taped it around and to itself. Not that I don't have to do more repairs, I do. But I fixed it for now.

So.....So far, so good.

Just saying.

I really like Duct Tape and also scotch tape and masking tape. They are all awesome.

I have even mended furniture with duct tape before. I have yet to find out if the white sticky stuff that is left there after you take the duct tape OFF will come off with Goo Gone.

But it did help - - that is, the Duct Tape did.

So today I want to shout a huge hooray for the stuff.


Duct Tape Maven
The Garden Spot, Kentucky

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Do you need some organizational help? I found some great free forms today.

I am glad to find these Control Journals today at the popular FlyLady site.

There are nine different ones. You can click right on the link, and download these to your computer.

One Control Journal is for teachers, and includes some helpful hints on how to have an organized classroom. Another is for college students, and one is for the holidays.

I plan to take a look at a lot of these, and possibly print some out to use them.

I think you will enjoy this page too. Here is that link: FlyLady Control Journals.

Enjoy! And leave a comment. And thanks for stopping by!


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Time to get cards and presents ready? This year's the year.

I tell myself the same thing every year.

I say, THIS is the year I will be organized and get everything ready EARLY for the Christmas and Yule time.

I want to send cards out, and presents sent ON TIME and even maybe have some time for relaxing afterwards.

This fun antique holiday card is by ixot on Flickr.

I usually wind up doing at least SOME things at the last minute. Are you planning to be efficient this holiday season too?

I hope I can. I think it will make things so much easier and happier to be organized and get things done early.


That's my motto for this year.

Thanks for stopping by!


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Monday, November 19, 2012

Photos from the Nashville Women's Club Bazaar

These are some of my favorites.

This event was so much fun! Like last year (you can see those photos here) they had lots of wonderful booths, featuring scarves, jewelry, clothing, crafts, and (drum roll, please) excellent baked goods.

Last year, they were selling the big cakes and pies right before we got there. We did get to buy some littler treats though. I'm telling you, those ladies can COOK. They make the very best bake sale stuff around. Really.

And there were some really nice other things to buy there this time too. We love this bazaar. If you have the chance to go next year, take it.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the event.

Isn't this a wonderful building?

Which sweets should we pick?

Some beautiful jewelry.
More great things to look at.

Isn't this pretty too?

Some more beautiful decorations!

I have some other photos of this event on Facebook.

Have a great Thanksgiving week, everyone!

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Thick, Dark, Fog - it is a gripping documentary

I really liked this film.

Here is another film I think you will like. I posted about it on Facebook today too. If you have a chance to see it, I personally recommend it highly. You may get emotional watching it, but that is a good thing.

I watched this great documentary film called  The Thick, Dark Fog on local channel 11, WKYU today.

It was all about Walter Littleman and others' experiences at an Indian Boarding School and about finding hope and identity as a Lakota person later, and more about what this really means to him as a person. I learned a lot watching this. 

Albuquerque Indian School, 1885. From the National Archives via Wikimedia.

One thing I learned is that there was a lot of damage done by taking children away from parents at a young age and forcing them to learn and speak English at boarding schools. There was a lot of emotional and physical abuse there.

This (bad, even evil) policy backfired in a big way and did not accomplish great purposes; instead, left many people traumatized and lacking focus or self-esteem. 
Luckily, there is a movement now to help heal people who lived through this, and journey back to Lakota and other tribal foundations. This film can teach many good lessons to all cultures, as a lesson why forceable changes to valuable traditions is not the way.
There is info. here also about what other things happened at the famous Wounded Knee incident too, that I already had read a lot about. 
Like other documentaries I have seen in the last few years, it opened my eyes to lessons and helped me see things in a brand new way.

You can see more about the film here:

The Thick, Dark Fog points to another website at the end of this enlightening and touching film. It is


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