Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Attention Stephen King Fans - new intros tell more about his journey

 Oh Yeah!

This is a posting for Stephen King fans. Do you have the LATEST edition of The Stand book by Stephen King? I don't (YET). But I just read a new introduction to a semi-new edition of the first book of the Gunslinger series, The Gunslinger. In it, Mr. King (I keep wanting to put "Dr." there as his name prefix...) says that he has updated the book. Improved it. I mean, what?? Now every fan will need to read the new version. For sure.

And I would not be surprised to find another new forward there in the new Stand book too.

Stephen King says that what he is writing about there on the new intro (Gunslinger - book one of the series) is truthful and he likes it! The introduction is a really great read. It is not like normal, boring intros. I really liked it a lot. So, as a fan, I was of course SO happy to discover that and share that information here.

Of course, I've read "On Writing"... but this is even better than that, in some ways. There is a lot of new information about how he thinks.

Next I will be looking for "newer" versions of all of these books. I first experienced them in audio book format. Now I will be reading them, and I think I'll like them even better.

I wanted to put a Stephen King portrait on here, but all I could find (at least on Flickr) was a cartoon, which isn't bad, but doesn't do him justice. I'll keep looking, and add one later. For now, feast your eyes on some books by one of the best writers of our time.

Cry pardon, Mr. King, but I had to share this news on my blog today, so more fans can read your new intros.

It's back to doing more blogs now, and finishing the watching of the really cool vampire and lyken movie, Underworld. I didn't like this movie before but now that I have seen more of it, I can't wait to see what happens next.

And I must list this site for all Stephen King fans. I swear he at least used to go to his message boards there sometimes and answers some of the questions. The others are answered by somebody else, he SAYS. I have my own theories...

So... here it is:

The Official Stephen King fan site.

He's changed the design some. I liked the other one too. It had some cool flash buttons. Though I am sure this site is full of neat things too.


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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bar-B-Cutie - what a neat place!

Not Bar-B-Cutie - but interesting!*
Bar-B-Cutie - I like it!

Love Bar-B-Que? I do.

Next time you are in Nashville, Tennessee, and you want to try something different, check out Bar-B-Cutie barbeque restaurant. We ordered a pork barbeque plate. It came with two sides, which were also good!

We tried this restaurant on Saturday, after wondering about it for a long time.

Just saying! You get to spice up your barbeque with a choice of several sauces too. They have several locations, and have been in business since 1950. Oh - and they have booths to sit in, which I love.


Here are some more Bar-B-Cutie links:
Bar-B-Cutie locations
The Bar-B-Cutie store

And here are some of my links:
My Personal Page and blog
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My Squidoo pages
Join me on my Fan Page on Facebook
Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads

The neat barbeque photo is by Robert Scoble on Flickr.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Kittens, kittens everywhere - - kittie pictures from Flickr.

 Here are some kitten pictures from Flickr. These are so cute!

Tiger kitties! From mathias-erhart on Flickr.

This photo is by E3000 on Flickr.

Twirled sleeping cats by denizen24 on Flickr.

This super cute kittie photo is by nicsuzor on Flickr.

I just love kitten photos, don't you? And if you haven't checked out The Daily Kitten, now's the time.


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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Some fun Etsy stores - what a fun place to shop.

 I have been checking out various Etsy stores now for over a year. 

Etsy stores online are fun because many of the things there are handmade and original. They are not the usual things you see every day.

If you have not explored the many stores here, I suggest that you go there right away -- because it's a lot of fun.

My Aunt has an Etsy store. She collects beautiful pieces of glass and driftwood, on the beach. She also makes very cute things with them.

You can see her shop, On the Beach, here:

Do you love pretty and colorful hand-dyed yarn? The Wooly Wench has some unique things:

I love these wonderful handmade leather bags too from Copper River Bags:

Here is some Victorian button jewelry:

And here are more gorgeous leather bags - with ruffles!

These canvas bags from Christy's studio are a lot less money

Go here to check out all of my favorites so far: (including hats)

I wish I could put some pictures here of what they have. But all you have to do to see some of their products is to go to a link and see everything they have in their stores.

So... Tell me, do you love Etsy as much as I do?

Go to Etsy and browse around.

Have fun! And leave a comment if you have a store, or have some favorites you would like to share.

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The pretty beach photo is from the Microsoft Clipart pages.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Trouble in River City - Blogger is back, and so is Twitter.

Blogger is finally back! (and Twitter is too).

First off, don't hackers have better things to do than wreck websites and waste time for people? I mean, seriously. But I guess some are trying to get personal information and make money a la Moriarty.

Blogger blog users have been winging it and complaining at @blogger (Blogger on Twitter)  for at least a day. I think personally a hacker took the site down but you never know. It could have been a maintenance error.

The scariest part for me was to go to my Blogger blogs and look at the funny status bar at the top and bottom (a strange photo of another page) and wonder if another Blogger blog (also mine) was gone forever. I'm glad it wasn't!

But on the good side: Hurray! Now I can update my blogger blogs.

I quickly went to Twitter to tweet about it and guess what? No page at Twitter! Which is also annoying. But I tried again in a little while and it is working fine.

If it IS a single hacker going around taking sites down or even messing with them, I wish people knew who it was so they could put them in jail.

Seriously... some people are making it VERY hard for bloggers by hacking around. Don't they have anything better to do??

But on the good side again, it COULD be worse... right? Have you had problems with hackers? Tell your story below as a comment. Or vent about your not being able to access your pages sometimes. It's frustrating...

PS As I publish this blog today, the front page of Twitter has opened up for me. Now to get inside to my Twitter page.

Join me! I am @betsyanne, @nontrads, and @scholarsgrants on Twitter. If you can't get in to the site, I'm sure it will be fixed soon.

Read more:

Why Hackers Hack Websites (from the Website Geeks site)
How Hackers Hack, the tricks hackers use, and what you can do to foil them. (via PC World)
Blogger status page
Related stories: (Huffington Post) Blogger down due to maintenance

And of course, here are some of my pages and blogs:

My Personal Page and blog
The Nontrads site and blog
My Squidoo pages
Join me on my Fan Page on Facebook
Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The vegetable garden at the Garden Spot is finally in - most of it!

 I did it! Well, it was me AND my daughter this year, so really - - we did it!

We planted tomatoes (5 kinds), peppers (2 kinds), and spinach, plus some snapdragons. I hope to add more things soon.

The back yard is starting to jungle out - - and there is much to do to tame it. But getting some plants in the garden area feels great.

Here are a couple of pictures.
The left side of the garden, just inside the gate.

Basil, curly parsley, and marigolds.

This chair sure felt nice after a lot of digging and planting.

I have some more room... so what more will I plant? Maybe some pumpkins, zucchini, and onions.

I will be heading outside to get my Vitamin D and more exercise at least every other day this summer. It will be all about trimming, fixing the tomato rounds, cutting back the apple tree, and planting some flowers too.

Inside the garden area, I will hopefully have a tiny pool to cool off with too. That part sounds fun. Or I will relax with my hat on the chair after pouring water on my head.

Are you having a garden this year? I think it will help a LOT with the grocery bills, plus it will be fun to see the plants grow.


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Monday, May 09, 2011

So how many posts should a blogger do per week?

That's a good question.  
Ready to post... enter!

How often should a serious blogger post?

I've heard and read many answers. Some say if you are a serious blogger, you must blog every day. Wow. To me that is a lot, but maybe just because I posted about once every two weeks when I started. Then I increased my postings to once a week, then twice a week.

Other serious bloggers say every other day is enough. Still others say that they just can't swing the every other day routine, and post once or twice a week.

Today I experimented with posting on just two blogs - my most popular ones - - This one, The Moon and the Willow Tree, and the Nontraditional Student blog too. I added photos or pictures (as usual) then went ahead and pinged each one.

So far, it has been a tremendously great experience because I have more traffic so far. We'll see what happens as I continue.

Are you a blogger? Do you post every day? Or maybe once a week? Leave a comment and let me know.


(I plan to try to post every day for awhile and see what happens.)

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The pretty keyboard picture is from the Microsoft Clipart Pages.
Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads

Sunday, May 08, 2011

A happy Mother's Day to everyone!

A very happy Mother's Day to everyone, even those who have lost their mothers or who do not have a mother figure to honor.

Today is a day we celebrate our mothers.  People are talking about taking their mothers out for dinner, or going over to visit. Some people call their mothers today to check in on them or just have a nice conversation about their day.

Some people have mothers who were absent. Some people have Aunts who care for them as a mother would. Still others have been adopted and celebrate their relationship with their adoptive mother. I'm sure there are other combinations I am missing. Add yours as a comment.

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day.

One of my friends on Facebook wrote about wearing a white rose, a pink top, and pink jewelry today. She also made some pink snoball cakes today, which was her Mom's favorite. I think that is a great idea - - to honor her mother by remembering her this way. She also put a photo of her mother there as her profile picture.

I did too. Here is my photo of Mom. It was taken when she had me.

I hope you had a terrific day, readers.


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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Thoughts on the brief honeymoon of William and Kate

Observers and confetti on the Royal Wedding Day.
I love the confetti! You can see it in the photo here to the left*. I somehow missed this when watching the Royal Wedding coverage on TV.

Then, after hearing about a royal honeymoon (and also some rumors of where the William and Kate would travel, such as an island, Canada, and flying out from Los Angeles), it turns out the honeymoon will be brief.

I have also heard from some people and read stories online about how much the royal wedding cost, and who (really) paid for it.

But I think the Royal Wedding was a great and fun event anyway. It sure made my day.

About the honeymoon (or lack of it), not having a big honeymoon right now could be because:

1. William is a workaholic.
2. The security concerns are too huge.
3. Some reason I have no clue about. (leave a comment with your theory...)

My wish is for a big and fun honeymoon ASAP, Princess Kate. Or should I say Countess?

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*The great confetti photo is by Paul Simpson on Flickr, who thankfully did not charge for it. :-)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Bowling Green, Kentucky area is hoping for lots of clouds - go figure!

Hi, all! I guess since everyone else in Kentucky is talking about the weather, I will, too.

I didn't believe it either - that sunny skies could be a bad thing. But then I thought about it and it made perfect sense. Chris Allen, the WBKO weather expert, said today that if the sky remains cloudy, we should be okay. BUT if the weather clears up and starts to HEAT up, watch out. Because there is another set of storms coming our way along with COLD air that might tornado up or at least be worse if that happens.
Watching for tornado weather*
So he said they (at WBKO TV) will be watching.

I guess so! I mean, they certainly WILL be watching. The only entertainment yesterday afternoon and night on our local channel WBKO Cable 9 consisted of zooming in and out of weather maps. Ack!

I also could not believe all the little tornadoes on the weather map from yesterday. There were SO MANY. Wowie zowie! We had some pretty close, but so far (crossing fingers) we have missed the worst where I live in South Central Kentucky.

Some people on the news today were showing pictures of BIG hail and damage to their homes, mostly from the hail. Another picture near the WKU campus showed a car HAMMERED by lots of pieces of a big tree that fell right on it.

I was going to go out with Rickey this morning, but the flooding all around is stopping that for today.

So.... go clouds and dreary sky... because that is what this area wants today. :-)

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* The original of this really neat sky watching photo is by Oakley Originals on Flickr.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

News from the FB and online Blogo-talkosphere

Hi all! 
Here is some news for today, plus some random funny pictures.
Funny Fingers from Zhouxuan12345678 on Flickr.

So many things are happening this week. And many of them are kind of funny... maybe very funny - - haha and strange-type of funny? Some I can't even classify.

For instance, one of my Facebook friends is growing out her Afro hairstyle and her friend has called her a different kind of Chia Pet.

A rabble-rousing friend who likes Unions for Actors is thinking of quitting Facebook because of some very rude comments. You can imagine.

 Another is thinking of switching to Bebo.

 While typing out some travel tips for a friend, I found out about a Class Reunion I probably won't be able to attend unless I win the lottery. Darn. It's about time I won that. (haha).

Meadowsweet and Myrrh, a Druid blog, has found a new home.

I am starting to do my blogs at least twice a week. (!) (see below).

A local pet shelter, RePets, is having a Puppy Poo Bingo event. You choose a square marked out in chalk and if the first puppy of the day poops on it in the puppy yard, you win a $100.00 Visa gas card. Useful. Each square is $5.00. You can even use your PayPal account to pay for it if you live out of town.

Funny Faces from jaaron on Flickr.
As usual, it has rained today. Again.

But so far here it's such a great and peaceful day. I hope it is a really good day for you too.

The funny photos are from Flickr's Creative Commons area.


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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton - - what channels will we watch?

The Royal Wedding China.

I'm so excited about the Royal Wedding.
The word is out. The Royal Wedding will be streamed live to the U.S. on Friday, April 29th (and everywhere - I am not forgetting many other countries will be interested in seeing it.)

Like many others, I watched the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. What a beautiful wedding! And what a dress! I think I watched it AFTER it happened, but still I watched it.

This year, I will be lucky enough to be able to watch THIS royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William as it is happening.

Also, there are many specials about it, including the recent Barbara Walters show, which revealed that the Queen has somebody who actually squeezes out her toothpaste for her.

I am interested in every detail. Who is invited, what everyone is wearing, the preparations... (did you know they are washing the cobblestones outside of Westminster Abbey? I sure didn't.) And, of course, THE DRESS. Everyone wants everything to be perfect.

But what channel to watch the wedding on? I will list the front-runners and bold the people I know. No doubt people that aren't as famous have the chance the BECOME famous next week. I have the feeling I will be channel surfing often...

ABC News - they have fabulous reporters Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer. Here is the ABC blog with all sorts of fun stories on it: The The ABC Royal Wedding Diary Blog. I already saw the 20/20 show, ’20/20: William & Catherine: A Modern Fairytale.’ It was great.

Not sure this is authentic...
I had better get watching these ABC shows too, because they are in LONDON and have lots of news in them. They are Good Morning America, World News with Diane Sawyer, and Nightline. (which I watch anyway.) This coverage starts at 3 a.m. (probably 4 Central time). India Hicks will give insider information for ABC. She was a bridesmaid of Princess Diana's for her wedding.

FOX has "Countdown to the Royal Wedding" on April 24th. They have teamed up with UK's Sky News, which should make their coverage pretty great, with insider information added. Their live coverage starts at 1 a.m. (could be 2 Central) Friday morning on the 29th. Joan Lunden will be FOX's Special Correspondent there, along with Shepard Smith and Martha MacCallum.

CNN will also be covering the wedding by sending 400 reporters to the event, including host Piers Morgan and local Cat Deeley. Other reporters include Richard Quest, Anderson Cooper, and Kiran Chetry.

Take the poll!

ACCESS HOLLYWOOD (also NBC) will also be there and will feature Billy Bush.
a Royal Wedding flag

CBS News has the popular Katie Couric plus lots of others, including Ben Tracy, Michelle Miller, Troy Roberts, and Elizabeth Palmer. Katie will then host a one-hour program that evening AFTER the wedding too. Victoria Arbiter, "Royals Expert", will be there as well.

NBC is said to have 30 hours of coverage, featuring 50 people, including Martin Bashir, who is a "royals expert". He will be helped by Chris Jansing. A show about the Royal Wedding will air the night AFTER the wedding, with hosts Meredith Viera and Matt Lauer. Other famous reporters sent there are Al Roker and Ann Curry. Brian Williams will be doing the Nightly News from London. Morning Joe (Joe Scarborough) will also be covering the wedding.

ET and the Insider have a double-decker bus in London, as well as famous stars Hugh Jackman and Jane Seymour.

Other stars who may be reporting from London are Tori Spelling, Perez Hilton, Stephen Colbert, and Kathy Griffin (who will be on the TV Guide Network).

The Disney Channel is featuring "A Modern Fairytale: the Royal Wedding Week" too.

It's an exciting week, getting ready for the wedding. And I will probably be up early that day too. How fun!

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Sources and more information: Business Insider article - Here's Your Guide To The American TV Reporters Covering The Royal Wedding
More about media coverage at the Q104 site
ET and the Insider.com Present the Royal Wedding
Royal Wedding gives News Organizations a chance to woo viewers (via the Kansas City Star)
The LA Times: TV networks go all out to cover royal wedding
Where and when to watch the royal wedding on TV (via MarketWatch)
Via the Daily Caller: CNN sends 400 reporters to royal wedding
The Business Insider (more about the royal wedding)

Photo attributions: 
The picture of the Royal Wedding China is by americanistadechiapa s on Flickr.
The invitation photo is by shannonpatrick17 on Flickr. 
The window photo of the wedding flag is by Sally Butcher/SallyB2 on Flickr.

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Animal Tweets from Twitter - #3C

Animal tweets and twitters on Twitter! - Version #3C

There are many owners and pets who have a Twitter account. I think these can be really funny, and cute.

Check them out - and add your favorite animal Tweets to the end as comments. Thanks!

Here are some animal tweets I really like. The quotes and descriptions are straight from Twitter and their postings. New animals on the list (or with new information added) have a star before their name.

Dogs on Twitter

Karma the dog 
    *  Name Karma
    * Location All around the USA
    * Web http://truckerdesiree.com/ (Her owner's site)
    * Bio Lovely blond Texas girl, living at a truck terminal, Animal control picked me up, but I found my way back, & into the heart and front seat of @truckerdesiree.

Poppy from Poppy's Corner Shop
Hi! Poppy is on Twitter too! Her nick name is poppyscorner. http://www.twitter.com/poppyscorner. See you around!

* Giz the Terrier lives in Missouri, USA. His bio: "I'm a Real Dog, I wear SunGlasses and a Baseball cap. My Mission is to Make people smile :) My Doggy Daddy is into photography.:)"

* Mulligan - another rescue dog "Hi. I'm a tweeting rescue dog named Mulligan. My goal is to make humans smile and to help other mutts like me find their forever home! www.twitter.com/mulliganstews"

Alvar the Terrier

Hi! Alvar from Philly, nickname @terrierlogic , is also on Twitter!

Puppy Jones - via Puppy Jones: Hi! Hampton, ZuZu and Starbuck (in spirit) tweet @puppyjones
My pups also have their own comic and blog at www.puppyjones.com
We love the anipal twitter community and have made many new friends from around the world!
Bailey is a 2-year-old English bulldog. He lives in Birmingham, Alabama. He loves to "run and jump and eat". 
Via Nick: Check out twitter.com/AskMyDogNorman He specializes in dog-friendly real estate and living in Boston, MA!

KatieBichon - a therapy dog
    *  Name Katie Bichon
    * Location Winter Park
    * Web http://www.facebook.com/KatieBichon?ref=profile (Katie Bichon's Facebook page)
    * Bio I'm a Therapy Dog and I love to help people feel better - If You Follow Me I Will Follow You!

*Sadie Shih Tzu  http://twitter.com/sadieshihtzu "I am a social media puppy. Mostly Shih Tzu but a little bit Bichon. Naughty, always in trouble but super cutes and very soft. Currently covered in snow."

*Contessa the Pit Bull OldPetsLoveMore Contessa lives in Los Angeles, California. Her bio: "I am 13, my owner wants me to live forever, help me please her by talking and sharing information about caring for pets, especially more “mature” ones like me."

*Hussi the Dog lives in Richmond, Virginia. http://twitter.com/hussithedog. Just a Bouvier living in #RVA! My mom's site: http://is.gd/duLh This is a Bouvier breeder.  @1NaDaMtn's dog.

I'm Stevie! I'm a blind shih tzu/lhasa who loves to cuddle, play tug and ride in the StevieMobile (my stroller).
*WhippetSnippets Ribsy the Whippet. I am a handsome and surly whippet. I pee on my own leg sometimes, but really, that's my only flaw. I have a fondness for body heat & a roller skate fetish.

*twittinSuki "Hi, I'm Suki Bouvier. I AM a *PRINCESS*, and I live with my Brofur, Teddy. I also live with a bunch of Tonkinese Cats, I Luvs them ~ they fun to herd! *giggles*"

*Miss May Z "cutest dog ever..." "I'm super cute & love socks and squeaky toys. My day job is being @TheRoxy's unofficial Mascot. The rest of the time? Pawty Animal!! ps I love my Uncle Macho."
*JohannTheDog "Bio Agility dog, herder, marrow bone lover, green dog, blogger, news hound and Chief Dog at JohannTheDog.com, where 10% of our profits go to dog rescues/shelters!"

*Mishka Puppy lives in Oz.  "I'm the smallest dog I know cause I'm a puppy. I like to chew. I'm a member of www.dogs4geese.com because I want to grow up & help rescue geese & other animals."

Hi there! I am a little dog from a snowy Sweden who is twittering at www.twitter.com/bichonbolognese

    *  Name Doozle
    * Location Crossedover, Texas
    * Bio After I died, my Ape roommate became able to channel, translate and speak for me! Yeah, I never used to believe that crap, either.

@CassieSheltie is on Twitter, too. She says, "I'm in Moosic City, USA".


Horses on Twitter

Fizz is an American Saddlebred breed. 

Bunnies on Twitter
@BunnyJeanCook: "i luvs to help mai furends raise money fur anipals all over da world! u can find mai mom @vscook"

Cats on Twitter

Au the Cat
Au the cat tweets at http://twitter.com/KatzTalesTweets. Great post, we're visiting you next and meeting new dogs, horses and other pals! Our blog: http://blog.lepak.com

Daisy the Curly Cat  https://twitter.com/DaisyCurlyCat Her bio: "Welcome to my Curly World!" Her blog is here: Daisy the Curly Cat blog. http://daisythecurlycat.blogspot.com/.
Via Jill @jillosopher @RepubliCat is a cute but misguided political animal. Think female cat version of Stephen Colbert, but way less crafty. Inspired by my real cat, who really does have Republican qualities.

*Romeo the Cat "Proud two-time rescue cat now raising $ to help other animals! $50K since 2/2009. Are u a rescue needing help? Visit http://www.romeothecat.com XO!"

TOO MANY DOGS ON THIS LIST. Hi. I'm IJ. I go by the Twitter handle @catpostrophe. I live on the Upper East Side in New York City, but I'm black, so I'm culturally confused. I like to eat bugs.

*SpaCat Glamourpuss extraordinaire with a penchant for gourmet cuisine, massage, pampering & travel. Cats need spa time too! Spaw4Diabetes spokescat. (Feline Diabetes).

Human Pet Lovers on Twitter!

And for human pet lovers, there are these Twitter pages: http://www.twitter.com/coolcatsites
    *  Name coolcatsites
    * Location the litter box
    * Web http://www.coolcatsites.net/
    * Bio cool stuff for cool cat lovers. gifts, shopping, resources, all cat all the time. meow

And here is a curio shop with an owl for its logo: http://twitter.com/MysticOwlCurio
    *  Name Mystic Owl Curio
    * Location Denver Metro
    * Web http://www.mysticowlcurio.com/
    * Bio Herbs - Incense - Candles - Books and Magic

Funny Fidos tweets from Tonawanda, New York. Their bio: "Dog lover, blogger, owner of a spunky little Terrier named Bailey who is the inspiration for Funny Fidos. Arf! she said..."

The Pet Expert is on Twitter too. He lives in Manhattan.  His bio "Owner & Veterinarian @ Manhattan Cat Specialists, a cats-only veterinary medicine hospital in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, NYC. Board Certified Cat Man." 

@LuckyGlider is an exotic sugar glider rescue.

New - Frank Indiviglio, a biologist for the Bronx Zoo, is now on Twitter too. 
His bio: "Bio Bronx Zoo biologist, blog writer for http://www.thatpetplace.com, zoo consultant, author. Full bio at http://bit.ly/6EpZkP., which is a blog called That Pet Place.

Other Fun stuff 
Some more to explore are Animal Planet, (@animalplanet), @earthwatch.org, @nwf
, 9 Top Animal Charities on Twitter by the Amazon Cares blog, @cattoure features cat clothing, and BlogPaws on Twitter (a Twibes group), also online at http://blogpaws.com.

More links to explore:
Leave your favorite animal Tweeters here in your comments. Thanks!

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Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads

The cute and colorful animals used on the artwork at the top of this blog are from the Microsoft Clipart pages.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I really like Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution show

Just saying. :-)

I really like Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution TV show. I have watched it twice now. The first time he went to a school system he met with the parents, then got to go to the actual kitchens and help make some healthy lunches.

The problems he faces are administrators who don't want to change anything, even if the status quo is unhealthy for the kids.

But he is continuing to try to change the way things are, sugary, fatty foods in the schools are making obese kids! And I think he is making a difference.

Jamie's last demonstration in California tried to show how much extra sugar is in chocolate, or flavored milk. The school system he is trying to work with won't budge on serving these, although the extra sugar is not good for the kids. He took a bus and showed how much extra sugar the students were getting in a week. The bus just overflowed with it!

Jamie Oliver in Union Square with reporters.

 It turns out Jamie Oliver has been an activist for healthy food changes and more in England, too. Now he is turning his talents towards the U.S. to make some needed changes. And I was not surprised to find out that he was a famous chef too.
A Jamie Oliver book present. She likes it!

You can see the picture here of the school bus with sugar in it: http://www.jamieoliver.com/us/foundation/jamies-food-revolution/school-food plus you have a chance to sign a petition to support him.

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution shows onTuesdays on ABC at 8/7 Central.

And here is his YouTube page. http://www.youtube.com/jamieoliver.

Yay, Jamie Oliver!

PS Here is his TV show page: http://abc.go.com/shows/jamie-olivers-food-revolution.

The photo of Jamie Oliver in Union Square is by really short on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/thebeav/.
The photo of getting a new Jamie Oliver cookbook as a present is by Shimelle Lane on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/shimelle/.

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