Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Attention Stephen King Fans - new intros tell more about his journey

 Oh Yeah!

This is a posting for Stephen King fans. Do you have the LATEST edition of The Stand book by Stephen King? I don't (YET). But I just read a new introduction to a semi-new edition of the first book of the Gunslinger series, The Gunslinger. In it, Mr. King (I keep wanting to put "Dr." there as his name prefix...) says that he has updated the book. Improved it. I mean, what?? Now every fan will need to read the new version. For sure.

And I would not be surprised to find another new forward there in the new Stand book too.

Stephen King says that what he is writing about there on the new intro (Gunslinger - book one of the series) is truthful and he likes it! The introduction is a really great read. It is not like normal, boring intros. I really liked it a lot. So, as a fan, I was of course SO happy to discover that and share that information here.

Of course, I've read "On Writing"... but this is even better than that, in some ways. There is a lot of new information about how he thinks.

Next I will be looking for "newer" versions of all of these books. I first experienced them in audio book format. Now I will be reading them, and I think I'll like them even better.

I wanted to put a Stephen King portrait on here, but all I could find (at least on Flickr) was a cartoon, which isn't bad, but doesn't do him justice. I'll keep looking, and add one later. For now, feast your eyes on some books by one of the best writers of our time.

Cry pardon, Mr. King, but I had to share this news on my blog today, so more fans can read your new intros.

It's back to doing more blogs now, and finishing the watching of the really cool vampire and lyken movie, Underworld. I didn't like this movie before but now that I have seen more of it, I can't wait to see what happens next.

And I must list this site for all Stephen King fans. I swear he at least used to go to his message boards there sometimes and answers some of the questions. The others are answered by somebody else, he SAYS. I have my own theories...

So... here it is:

The Official Stephen King fan site.

He's changed the design some. I liked the other one too. It had some cool flash buttons. Though I am sure this site is full of neat things too.


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  1. I liked his early work but in the last 15 years or so it's been pretty awful.

  2. I am sure you will like the Gunslinger books. It's a big adventure with many surprises.

  3. I think his new books have been great, and I think his intros are very insightful. I've enjoyed the 'Bag of Bones' thoughts he has in that one, as well.

  4. I look forward to reading his comments there. Thanks for telling me about it!


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