Sunday, April 14, 2013

Getting organized, plus more: Some recent site discoveries and more.

Hi, all!

I have been so busy lately. I have found some great Girl Scout sites online and am getting more organized here at home.
Dogwood - so pretty! By dok1 on Flickr.

There is MUCH to do. I must get quotes on home repairs, do shopping, exchange books, send a meeting notice email, and organize, organize, organize.

My two sets of bunkbeds must go to make room for more bookshelves. The garden plants go in soon, and there are lots of other things to do and quotes to get.

We took a Sunday Drive today into the country. It was so pretty out there, but scary too, with many winding turns and bike riders with not much room for them.

Happily, I caught up a bit on sleep and feel so good about it.

I love how the trees and bushes are blooming here! All of a sudden, the weather is great.

How are things in YOUR neck of the woods?

Springily Yours,

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Meeting people is so much fun. Do you meet people at your job? (In person?)

I enjoy meeting people in person.

Of course, I also love meeting people online. But there is something about face-to-face talking with people that is so fun.

Today I got to meet several new people and a couple of people I have known for awhile. Just finding out what is going on in their lives was a lot of fun. I guess I'm a pretty social person at heart.

I think having an online business is great, but sometimes I just love to get out and do something NOT online, something in person.

Do you have a job that lets you meet a lot of people? I used to enjoy that a lot at the printing companies I have worked for, and also at the newspaper in Evanston, Wyoming.

Above: these are two dog friends I met once outside a grocery store. I met their owner later too.

Back to meeting people at jobs, I think it's a big plus for any job to be able to meet new people, no matter who they are. I find other people fascinating, don't you?

Write a comment about how you feel about meeting people. Do you get to meet a lot of new people on your job?

Just getting out of the house can bring you into contact with new and interesting people. Below, I got to meet someone new in Tennessee while going to a community Yard Sale.

Even getting outside now that the weather is nice lets me sometimes wave to my neighbors and sometimes visit with them. I feel lucky that I can do that.

Have a great week! And thanks for visiting. Oh - and leave a comment!

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Saturday, April 06, 2013

Driving Days on my Trip North - car photos Part One

Here are a few of my favorite photos

My recent road trip was from Kentucky to Wisconsin.

My favorite sites included wind farms, grain elevators, old barns, snow, and power lines.

Here are a few photos from the car:
Train cars and a really huge grain elevator and silos.

I liked this neat looking power line.

I loved seeing all the wind farms on the way.
Many old barns had top sections like this.

I have more photos posted on Facebook.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to post more trip photos very soon.


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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Projects, and more projects... do you also have MANY of these?

Are you like me? Do you have MANY projects... so many, it seems hard to choose which one to do first?

I make lists, cross off first parts of projects, but still don't manage to get everything done I want to do in a day.

Sometimes I wish I didn't sleep as much. But then I'd probably find some other reason not to get everything done.

My latest idea is taking my (rather full) to-do list and trying my best to do at least THREE of the things, and not feel guilty for not doing the rest of them. I figure that three things done WELL are worth more than ten done haphazardly.

Tell me your tips on getting more done.

I'm ready to learn how to be more successful at finished projects.

All for now,


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Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Ladies of Charity Clothing Sale 2013 is now on - in Nashville

This event is so awesome.

I would advise any ladies who want to spruce up their wardrobe (for a great price) to visit the Ladies of Charity clothing sale in Nashville, TN.

It will be going on for some time yet. Last year it ran for six weeks. AND they continually refresh the racks with new-to-you things too. They even cluster some things in color groupings.

The Ladies of Charity sale is located at 2216 State Street. Their phone number in Yahoo local is 615-327-3453.

I found some great deals here. And much of the clothing is high-end name brand stuff. I have so much fun here. If you are in the area, check it out! Ms. Cheap (the famous columnist in Nashville) gives their sales a thumbs up too.

Here are a couple of photos of this year's event:

I especially love it that the Ladies sort everything by size, and type of clothing too. For instance, you can find ladies' suits all together, blouses, etc. and even formals.

Want to dress nicely for a fraction of new? This is the best place I have found for that, hands down.


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Monday, March 18, 2013

An interesting B & B: Bashford Manor

It was very interesting staying at the Bashford Manor last weekend.

This B & B is in Louisville, Kentucky. It used to be on a horse farm. We stayed in the Jane Austen room, which had many books and a most unusual bathroom. The bath was a step-down bath and the bathroom, though small, had the prettiest floor and mirror.

I have a few pictures of the room, which was very picturesque. I especially will remember the white horses in the yard, and the many antiques and interesting details of the house. It is said that perhaps Abraham Lincoln visited here.

I think it must be very difficult to juggle many rooms and lots of guests with a Bed and Breakfast place. We talked about that.

I got to sing with some Girl Scout friends this weekend. That part was so fun too.

AND we shopped at Frank's, and went to a famous bookshop and some other shops. I'll post about that later on.

I have some more photos posted here.

Thanks for stopping by!


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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing is coming this Summer

My husband sent me this link today. It is for the new "Much Ado About Nothing movie coming out this summer.

It looks interesting! What I noticed in the movie were some funny scenes and the fact that the people were using Shakespearian language.

The director is Joss Whedon, who also did the Buffy series (which I loved).

Here is that link: 
It has more links than the next one (below).

This is the same trailer, but easier to access (via YouTube)

The movie is slated to open June 7th (Lionsgate - from the article below).

And here is that article about Joss and the movie via the Huffington Post.
"Much Ado About Nothing" at SXSW: Joss Whedon Brings Shakespeare to Austin.

Have a great day!


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Friday, March 08, 2013

Happy International Women's Day - plus interesting postings on Facebook and elsewhere

Happy International Women's Day to you today.

I have written a post about this day on my Garden Spot blog today.

News for Today - International Women's Day.
This brings many thoughts of what needs to be changed for women here (in the US) and around the world. Read more at the posting.

A few other interesting postings, sites, and more I've discovered from the last few days are here:

#1. Lucas Says Star Wars Trio returning for new film. I am really happy about this!

#2. Remember - Sunday is Daylight Savings Time again! Set your clocks ahead on Saturday night. Mark your calendar - I did.

#3. Facebook plans (another) Facelift - and some people are nervous about it. It may already be showing up on your pages. Photos will be more important, it seems. And the real question might be, can Facebook still keep its users? Or will another site come along. Remember MySpace?? And (as a FB friend said, AOL?

#4. I went to the Downrightnow site just now to check on my Twitter postings. As I thought, Twitter has been down intermittently today. FYI: You can check Twitter here, plus other sites like Facebook and Yahoo Mail. They have more sites listed, but need to add some more. But Downrightnow is still very useful.

Have a great weekend!


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Commit to change the world - no more nuclear weapons. 

Photo credit:
The Star Wars Episode III coin by kevin dooley on Flickr.
The Star Wars mural (cropped) is from The Official Star Wars on Flickr.
The photo of a women holding the "Stop Brushing Women Aside" sign is from sinister pictures on Flickr. It is from the Fawcett Society Day of Action for Women's Rights.

Monday, March 04, 2013

A new way to garden - using wood chips - plus an article about plants and wood mulch

Plants, Wood Chips, and Raised Bed Gardens...

I read an article lately about a new way to garden. You decide where you want your rows to be on your garden, and then you put a few sheets of newspaper down.

Nice! From VeggieGardeningTips on Flickr.

You put "real" compost like manure or just fabulous compost on top of that (because the paper will take something out of the soil) and then you top it off with wood chips or other wood.

This system cuts way down on weeds.

Your piles will be pretty tall. But then you can put grass clippings over that and just plant your seeds in it.

You don't plow the wood chips into the soil, you just let them rot.

I think I'll try that for at least part of my garden this year.

Here are some other great articles about mulch, plants and wood and one about a living willow fence:

Use Wood Mulch to Build Great Garden Soil (from Mother Earth News)

Plants Can Talk to each Other by Clicking Their Roots

The Great Wood Chip Debate Goes On

 8 great tips for finding FREE compost materials

The living willow fence - one year later


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Saturday, March 02, 2013

Snow photos from my house - it is so pretty today!

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

I had to bring the camera to the porch today. A great snowy dusting greeted me there.

I do love seeing snow sometimes. This year we haven't had a lot.

The snow is so pretty today.

To the left... with the willow tree hanging branches.

The snow is melting now, but it did stay awhile!

Today the temperature is rising, so it will be safe on the road now. But I'm glad I got to see a little bit of the white stuff today.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How many other people are thinking of Spring?

Spring Dreaming...

Yes, I know snow is still on the ground many places. Here in Bowling Green, Kentucky, it has been chilly. And we have had some winter rain.

But I am surely thinking of spring. I have gardening plans!

Here are two spring photos from Flickr that I like today.
Photo credit: Oakley Originals on Flickr.

Bill the cat enjoying Spring... by Miss Claeson on Flickr.

I'm so glad I live in a place that has seasons. It's fun to think ahead with joy to them all.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Concave 2013 is Concave 34 in Bowling Green, Kentucky

 Wow - 34 Concaves already!

This is my first Concave posting for this year on my blogs.

I brought my swimsuit this year, so I got to go swimming and get in the hot tub today. It felt great. You can see the hot tub area right past the fence in this picture:

I have a few photos and more on Facebook and my From the Garden Spot blog too.

I saw lots of gamers there, some neat costumes and had some great food last night too. I've got a few pieces of art in the Art Show this time, so that is fun too.

The Art Auction is later tonight, and I always enjoy that.

This year, there are more Hucksters than ever. They each have rooms around the pool in the Atrium area. Books, jewelry, games, collectibles, art, and more is available. I look forward to looking at more things today.

Off to post on my other blog.

(Above) This semi-quiet area did not stay quiet a lot last night. I brought our noise machine and some earplugs though, just in case.

Here is a posting on my From the Garden Spot blog:

Concave #34: It's all about the parties...

And here are some other sites:

Concave - Kentucky's longest running science fiction convention

Concave on Facebook

And here are some other photos of past Concaves:

Concave 30

Concave 2012

Concave on Flickr


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Monday, February 18, 2013

Driving home from Tennessee... some window photos

Photos of Tennessee and Kentucky out the car window...

Driving home from Nashville on Saturday, I had some fun shooting the Kentucky and Tennessee countryside out the window.

I find the beautiful Kentucky and Tennessee scenes in this area so relaxing and gorgeous. It just feels peaceful to me to gaze out on the scenes going by here.

That day, the clouds were luminous. I wish I could have gotten a 3D picture of those right by the sun.

Another beautiful fenceline row.

Luminous clouds.

Cows, field, and grasses.

One of many farms.

A lone cow.

You can see a fence if you look closely here.
Just beautiful. Wouldn't you love to go down each road you see?

Dusk, getting nearer to home.

Restful trees.

Do you also love to take pictures? There used to be two clubs you could join in the Bowling Green, Kentucky area.

I am hoping to join at least one this year or attend a function to learn more about photography.

Here is the most popular group:

The Sunny 16 Camera Club

Sunny 16 Public FB page

And here is a new group on Facebook:
The Post your photos of Bowling Green, Kentucky FB page


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Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Old Rockfield School becomes a Dollar General

I can't believe how fast the new Dollar General is going up on Russellville Road! 

It seemed like just last week they were taking down the Old Rockfield School.

That school was also the home for an Antique Gallery once.

Here are some photos, from oldest to newest.
The Old Rockfield School side entrance.

The old Antique shop sign and For Sale sign.
The front of the school.
Back view of the side, and detached back of the school.

The machines rolling out the land.

More leveling.

The side road before.

The side road with construction.

The Dollar General building goes up.

Another view of the new Dollar General Building.

And here is a related posting:

Thoughts about the Rockfield Post Office (includes school photos)

And I have more Facebook photos of the Old Rockfield School and the Teardown here:


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Thursday, February 07, 2013

Here are some TV shows I just love. What are yours?

Some TV shows are just plain better than others.

OK - first I have to admit. I just have Basic Cable. You know, regular channels, pretty much, plus PBS and KET.

But there are some GREAT shows there.

Here are my favorite TV shows right now. I don't always get to watch them, but when I do, I enjoy them.

First off, I have to admit. My favorite daytime show is In the Heat of the Night. I know, it's an old show, but what's great about it are the actors, the stories, and the fact that you can watch the characters change and grow over time. Carrol O'Connor plays the Sheriff, and what a great sense of humor he shows on it. The show tackles a lot of social problems, race relations, AIDS, and lots more.

I used to like the judge shows too, like Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown, etc. I can still watch them, but I guess some are starting to sound like each other, so I give them a pass sometimes. I mean, you kind of know how the "loan vs. gift" money episode is going to go... and the "My dog got loose and bit the other dog" one. I guess I've watched these TOO much.

Shades of the future? Best Judge by Banjo Brown on Flickr.

My guilty pleasures...
Some guilty pleasures have to be Walker, Texas Ranger and Matlock. I love how the bad guys get their comeuppance in the end on most of these shows. And there is some overlap in the actors too. Another guilty pleasure has to be Kitchen Nightmares with Mr. Tact, Gordon Ramsay.

During the week, I like Shark Tank, Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, Body of Proof (which has been OFF for too long!), the Big Bang Theory (which I don't get to watch much), Sherlock, and (of course!) Downton Abbey.

I mean, who wouldn't just LOVE this show?

Here are GPB's Top Ten Maggie Moments from the show.

And I have to admit that sometimes an old black and white movie can hit the spot.

I was thinking about Hulu lately too.
Having Hulu Plus or another service would be fun in the future. It would be great to watch some of the OLDER TV shows I used to like, like Mannix, Kung Fu, 77 Sunset Strip, and more.

I do NOT have a good recording service either, (like TIVO) but maybe someday.

Do you have such a service or subscription? Let me know how you like it.

And what are YOUR favorite shows? Share them as a comment. I'd love to hear what YOU like too.


Here are my related lens pages on Squidoo about this subject:

Kung Fu: the TV Show, and

Should we cut down on TV? (uh - not yet!)

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Saturday, February 02, 2013

My Favorite Etsy Stores February 2013

I did a new Squidoo page about Etsy stores. Then I changed it to Handmade items.

Anyway, I have not yet decided what to do about the page. So, I will share my favorite Etsy stores here with you so as not to lose the list.

My Favorite Etsy Stores

I do like going to Etsy every now and then. I may start my own store this year too. But for now, I like to window-shop there. I have put many of these stores in my circles there so I can go back and see new creations or vintage items.  I hope you like them too.

I have discovered these Etsy stores on the site. There is so much originality and fun ideas there.

I have saved them as Favorites there too.

Joyce's Junk and Jewels
This Etsy store is my real-life Aunt Joyce's shop! It is so fun to check out her things here. My favorites are her handmade beach jewelry. But she has some great vintage jewelry too, plus hats, and lots more.
Studio 42 - Ceramics for sale There are many original designs here. I especially like the Fairy Doors there.
The Beau Miracle Shop
I really like the knitted objects in this shop. The fingerless gloves are really cute. I also like the kids' costumes.
The Perfect Yarn Etsy Store has some beautiful yarn.
This shop has a lot of different color yarns of all different types, including Alpaca and Silk. When going back to this store for this description, I found out that it was located in the Ukraine.
The TraceyCapone Etsy Shop
This shop features prints, photo blocks, and iphone cases. They are made from original designs and photos.
The Metalogical Etsy store
This store makes belt buckles and other hand forged items.
Charlie's Nest on Etsy
"Vintage Items Galore" include trendy tables, cases, luggage, furniture, and lots more.
Black Leopard Dollhouse Miniatures
This shop has mini afghans for dollhouses, and also mini doilies, slippers, and other mini items.
Be something new
Find fashionable headbands, fascinators, and more here. Some are vintage, many are new.
L. Delaney's Etsy store
You will be delighted by the miniatures here, perfect for dollhouses.
Jannio's Etsy

I love these felted hats They are original designs and so pretty!

Owlsay's Etsy

Check out these checkbook covers, luggage tags, wallets, and more at this fun shop.

Christy's Studio
You will find many different kinds of purses here. They are lovely. It is fun to scroll through and see all the choices.
Time Machine Jewelry
This shop features Steampunk, Victorian and Edwardian, and Doctor Who jewelry, plus Beatles music too. What an original shop!
Allie's Adornments
This shop features antique buttons in one-of-a-kind jewelry creations.
Acoustic Design
This shop has wood products you may never have seen before, such as handmade card cases and earbud holders.
Adele Shop on Etsy
Love leather purses and duffles? Look no further. This site has terrific designs, including hobo bags.
Whitney Winkler (Beatrice in Blue)
Whitney is from Kentucky and features vintage books, glass, lace and more in her fun Etsy shop.
Cass and Patt's shop is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They have clutch bags, waist purses, regular purses, and even backpacks. They are all handmade.
No More Twist Handmade
This shop not only has fascinators, but also bows, jewelry, hair clips, and wedding hair accessories.
Little Pig Pottery
Looking for original, fun designs in pottery? Little Pig has many. They are located in Middleton, Ohio.
Calico Forest Designs
Baby booties, baby booties, and baby booties. They are so cute.
Oakwood View
Love old or vintage books? Not only does this store have them, but also vintage jewelry, postcards, poetry, and magazines. Fun!
Fashions by Fran
Barbie dresses! And also Skipper dresses, and also Lalaloopsy outfits (a new doll I just found out about here.)
Laurelin Design
This jewelry Etsy store features wire wrapped pendants, earrings, and crystal pendants.
Vintage Eye Fashion
Love vintage fashion? I do. You can find vintage fashion, linens, shoes, luggage, hats, and more here. It's so fun to check this store out.
Kemonomimi Fantasy Goth
Zero makes great party ears, leather horns, and more for goth and character parties. Original, fun, imaginative, and sexy items can transform you into something entirely different and unique - like a fox, a creature, or a dancer.

Let me know about YOUR favorites too, or if you have a store. I'd love to visit.

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Health Tips #1 from my Nutritionist - low-carb, healthy foods

Hi, all! Here are some Nutritionist Tips for a healthy, low-carb diet.
Photo from an original by Rick McCharles on Flickr.

I am seeing a nutritionist right now to help improve my anti-diabetes diet. Some of these tips can help other people who are on a low carb diet, like I am.

I am also eating a semi-vegan diet, with lots more vegetables, fiber, and fruit.

She suggests at least 7 grams of fiber per meal. And sometimes a snack can actually help fight belly fat.

Here are just a few tips.

#1. If you drink a caffeinated drink (like pop with caffeine, or coffee) then you need to drink at least that much plain water to make up for it. Water or flavored water is the best choice for a drink.

#2. If you are eating out, you should know that sometimes there is a LOT of salt in foods. That can make your blood sugar readings high.

#3. Resistance Bands can be a good first step in your exercise program.

#4. Try warm beverages like herbal tea (or green tea with blueberry). This can help.

#5. Freeze the nuts and seeds you buy. They go bad fast otherwise.

#6. When it comes to nuts, most are great for a low-carb diet. But Macadamia nuts are not the best kind because they are highest in fat.

#7. Crunches are really good for getting rid of that pesky fat around your middle.

#8. Bubble baths are great for you, especially when you are on a healthy living plan.

I hope to have some more tips to share soon.

Have a diet tip? Add it in a comment. Thanks!

Photo from an original by Identity Photogra@phy on Flickr.


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