Of course, I also love meeting people online. But there is something about face-to-face talking with people that is so fun.
Today I got to meet several new people and a couple of people I have known for awhile. Just finding out what is going on in their lives was a lot of fun. I guess I'm a pretty social person at heart.
I think having an online business is great, but sometimes I just love to get out and do something NOT online, something in person.
Do you have a job that lets you meet a lot of people? I used to enjoy that a lot at the printing companies I have worked for, and also at the newspaper in Evanston, Wyoming.
Above: these are two dog friends I met once outside a grocery store. I met their owner later too.
Back to meeting people at jobs, I think it's a big plus for any job to be able to meet new people, no matter who they are. I find other people fascinating, don't you?
Write a comment about how you feel about meeting people. Do you get to meet a lot of new people on your job?
Just getting out of the house can bring you into contact with new and interesting people. Below, I got to meet someone new in Tennessee while going to a community Yard Sale.
Even getting outside now that the weather is nice lets me sometimes wave to my neighbors and sometimes visit with them. I feel lucky that I can do that.
Have a great week! And thanks for visiting. Oh - and leave a comment!
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