Showing posts with label hawaii trumpet vine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hawaii trumpet vine. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2011

A beautiful Trumpet Vine with orange flowers

I have always loved these orange trumpet vines next door to the back entrance of the Pots Place.

The vines are in the alley across from Mariah's restaurant parking lot, draped beautifully on a building there. 

They climb all over the other building next to the neighbor's building, and I really like how these vines look.

Here are a couple photos I took of them yesterday.

Luxuriant tropical-looking vines.
So pretty!
There are also some of these in front of the back entrance to the Pots Place. They have been used as a bush there. I don't see the flowers as often, because they get trimmed so much. They grow really fast (I can attest to that!) - and they are pretty cut an in a vase too. I have not cut the neighbor's vines, but I have trimmed the Pots Place ones.
Anyway, these are so pretty, I thought I would share them today. I think having the same plants could point to a relationship between store owners long ago. Maybe there is a story behind them. Who knows? These vines and flowers are so jungle-like...

And here is a photo I found called "Kauai: Orange Trumpet Vine" on Flickr.

Photo by Eliduke on Flickr.

 All for now,

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