Showing posts with label Online Communities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Communities. Show all posts

Saturday, July 17, 2010

This is fun - - see who you write like!

Stephen King, American author best known for h...Image via Wikipedia

I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Just go to and put in a sample of your writing and voila! It tells you. It also can be different depending on what you put in there. I suggest prose vs. pointing out different web sites.

This site is trending right now, has gone viral,  and is very popular. And fun!


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My Squidoo pages
Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads
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Saturday, July 03, 2010

RocketMoms on Squidoo

RocketMoms - what a neat group!

Well, I'm in for Session 8. Of RocketMoms. RocketMoms is an invitation-only group of Moms on Squidoo that help each other make Squidoo lenses. For me, Rocket Moms helps by giving me an assignment AND a deadline.

Here is one of their logos:

Before I got an invitation to join RocketMoms, I joined Squidoo and made some easy-to-make lenses. Squidoo makes it easy to make lenses (like web pages) because they have ready-made modules you can use.

You can join Squidoo with my link. It is here: Join Squidoo. I believe I made more than 5 lenses before I got my invitation.

How to request an invitation to RocketMoms: (from Bonnie) If you are wanting to join a free session, you can do so by going here to this page. Then click on the link at the top right that says "Join a Free RocketMoms Session".

This session, RocketMoms is making a cookbook. It will be added to during the whole session. Here is that link: I found out today my Vanilla Ice Cream lens was added. I am so happy about that.

Here are some other RocketMoms sites you can check out:
The RocketMoms main site - the Ning Group
RocketMoms on Facebook (Session 8)
The RocketMoms blog
RocketMoms on Twitter
RocketMoms Squidoo Page 

And come visit me on Squidoo. I have a lens that can help new Squidoo Lensmasters called Free Squidoo Secrets: My Beginner's Guide to Squidoo and a lens that shows many of my lenses I have already made. It is here:

Wish me luck! And I wish YOU luck too. And I hope to see you on Squidoo soon!

-Betsyanne (Lizziebeth on Squidoo!)

My Squidoo pages
Join Squidoo with my link!

My Personal Page and blog
The Nontrads site and blog

Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads
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Monday, May 17, 2010

New Twitter Fun - Band Food Puns!

I have picked the Band Food Puns today at Twitter that I recognize.

Here are some funny ones:

@jfdotx James Brownie... Nat Creme Cole... Carol Peking Duck... Celine Dijon.. I could go on... #bandfoodpuns

@LaurieOakes Crosby Stills and Mash. #bandfoodpuns

@HannahSpazzface Bob Barley. Yeah that's the best I got. #bandfoodpuns 

@SASilk Tomato Waits #bandfoodpuns 

@MichaelByrnes Robert Eggplant #bandfoodpuns

@ShadowFeeder #bandfoodpuns Fleetwood Mac n' Cheese  

@Jadenebell #bandfoodpuns the rolling scones

@mick_martin Tom Petty & the Tartbakers #bandfoodpuns

You can go to the search area and see even more. How fun!


My Personal Page and blog
The Nontrads site and blog
My Squidoo pages
Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads
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