Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Horse Cave photos

Originally uploaded by betsyanne

I was going through my photos today. I will need to post these again later on. They did not keep this building, though I wish they had. Somebody was talking about renovating it, and even may have started on the roof. But it was too far gone, or expensive, and this was caused by a fire.

I do have some more photos here: Horse Cave photo set. I am looking for the originals. (I played with some in Photoshop...)



  1. Shame. Looks like a nice building.

  2. Ha! Ha! I was thinking I would see actual caves... 8-)

    Personally, I lived in France and I live visiting castles, but saving old buildings like those, I don't see the point. They do that a lot in Paris and it costs a lot more to save the facades of old buildings. When they do that, the inside it 100% rebuilt (and thus the roof.)

  3. I thought it was neat looking. You do have a point, though. It would never have been the same, even if rebuilt to painstaking records. Plus, it was so expensive to do, I am sure.


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