These displays were so professionally done, and must have taken some time to do too. I loved each one. I have some photos to share here, and the mini-poster of the event too.
I was not able to photograph all of the exhibits... some photos came out, and others didn't, but all of the dioramas were beautiful. My photos don't do them justice, they were great close up. Everything was so detailed and small.
And here are some more photos from there.
<Also: FYI: you can join Flickr for free, or get an upgraded membership if you have a lot of photos.>
I remember making shadow boxes when I was young. But these are truly a step above and are really beautiful!
All for now,
And here are some more of my sites:
My Personal Page and blog
The Nontrads site and blog
My Squidoo pages
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What a charming hobby!