Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What are they looking at?


I got some more applications out today. I keep finding new things in the house, too. I didn't add stabilizer to the gasoline in the mowers again so I have to call the mower guy to clean out the gunk in the carburetor again. Darn. There is no answer from the regular lawn guy - I think he might be on vacation.

The apples are bearing heavily. I will have to figure out what to do with them. I did lay out the Japanese beetle traps, so that is a GREAT thing.

Our grass grows so fast. I have to go in to talk about my ESL classes and find out what other classes I need. I have my fingers crossed for a REAL teaching job. It may take another semester, but I feel good about it. I would also like to get certified for Gifted and Talented teaching, because I feel that these kids are missing out on all their opportunities. Just get me talking about that! There is an online program to get trained in that area too. This is all Plan B -- if I am hired on right away, I will need to concentrate on that and my THREE portfolios for a year.

Writing starts ASAP next week.

Much going on. A HUGE storm is expected tomorrow. BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES!!

I saw LOST tonight. What a great show. I wrote on the Stephen King official site today too, about his movie Desperation last night. They put him opposite American Idol. I must admit, I wouldn't have liked to have that spot.

My book right now: The Moor by Laurie R. King. A series book, #4. I have read the first 3 too.

I started Lilith's Brood by Octavia E. Butler and had to stop. It is a great book, but hard to read.

Others: Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining by Judge Judy Sheindlin (with Josh Getlin) -- bad title, pretty good book. If you watch her show, this book will explain why she is like she is.

The Unofficial Guide to Starting a Business Online by Jason R. Rich (2nd Ed.) Pretty good.

Fun magazines: Backwoods Home, Countryside and Small Stock Journal.

I got a BUNCH of papers from student teaching thrown out today. I think I will start journalling -- I know, this is journalling too, but REALLY journalling -- you know, the private pages every morning that is part and parcel of The Artist's Way. I will be able to put everything on there and not worry about the world reading it. It will get my mind in focus.


#1. Write and send off a short story or novel
#2. Figure out my next educational step
#3. Get a lot of the house organized - - books put away, room made into a nice meditation and writing area
#4. Keep the lawn mowed and outside nice
#5. More...

I have made sweet potato and spinach curry, homemade cole slaw, white beans with ham, meatloaf and chili so far.

WHAT FUN! Now to get going on some money-making pursuits.

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