Showing posts with label websites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label websites. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Quick! Get those Blog Postings Done!

I am now posting more than once a week. I like that!

I want to keep it up. I think it's good writing and typing practice. Plus I get to vent and talk about things that interest me.

What have I been doing, you ask? I have been organizing at home (a task that will take about a year in total),  hemming uniforms, doing laundry (a catch-up act), and etc., etc., and etc.

Big on the "Etc." list is an idea of making an Outdoor Journey for Girl Scouts that would help replace the missing elements of Program right now and re-introduce what made Girl Scouting so exciting.

My wonderful Aunt Jackie died last week. As my husband so aptly put it, she was the
"Auntie Mame" of my relatives. I will cherish her memory, and may make a Remembrance Page for her as I did for my mother. Which needs some updating. I will add that to my list too.

One of the blog link nontrad writers on another of my blogs (The Nontraditional Student Blog) is considering doing away with her blog.

I was not surprised. It takes time, but think about losing all that work. Ack.

I have more than one blog, but I don't want to quit. Not yet. It is still way too fun for me.

Other must-do's (besides updating here regularly) are: finish my books, call about repair quotes, go through the books, add some shelves, paint, redo my sites, update my Pinterest, make some more pottery Fairy Doors, put the tomato plants in, and write some more poetry.

Do you have a blog, or maybe more than one? Or maybe you have a huge to-do list you would like to tell me about. Just leave a comment below here and tell me about it.

A curious mind wants to know.

Well, it's time for coffee. I do love that stuff. Especially when I add vanilla to it.


Another link:
Leaders - help other Girl Scout volunteers develop the new Outdoor Journey

My Personal Page and blog
Join me on Pinterest (there are some new ones there)
The Nontrads site and blog
My Squidoo pages
Join me on my Fan Page on Facebook
Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

All I need is a Ticket to Write!

I was going through my Yahoo Groups today and I re-discovered a great group!

It is called Ticket to Write.

I plan to go there and post my chapters and/or poetry there soon. So many sites charge a fee to go there to post or get advice. I joined this one quite a while ago, but haven't been there since. So I am very pleased to see it again.

Here is its description on the Group site:

"It is said that every professional writer was once an amateur who just refused to quit. If that sounds like you, welcome to ticket2write, an international community of professional writers united to provide a place to critique, encourage and help each other. Writers and poets in every market, and of every genre, are welcome to participate. "


Here is the link to Ticket to Write:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day Two - - so many places!!

Today Rickey and I visited Ozone Falls, the Wats Bar Dam, Fort Loudon, the Sequoia Museum, and The Tanasie Cherokee Monument. We went on to Knoxville and saw the hugest Target store I've ever seen, and a GREAT natural food store called EarthFare. Tennessee is SO beautiful!

What a day!

Here are some photos from today in Tennessee.

I have to say that Fort Loudon was the most spectacular of anywhere. They researched the fort and it has been rebuilt just like is used to be. The Fort Visitor's center has a free movie, paintings, and reproductions of early American toys, games, and more. But the fort itself is something to see. It was so cold there my fingers froze up and it became difficult to take pictures. But I'm so glad I went.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Cookville, Tennessee

I am impressed with downtown Cookville, Tennessee. There are a lot of really unique stores there plus a new Indian restaurant too. I really wouldn't mind living here.

The pictures show the side and front of a great store I found there called New Century Books and Goods. They have new and used books there, plus sticker books, bumper stickers, gifts, and lots more. I found a Patricia Cornwell paperback on sale for only $1.00. Plus, it smells really good in there!

We picked up two magazines - one is called Local Table and features articles about food and farming, plus whole and natural foods. Their website is at

The other one, Slingshot, is from Berkeley, California. You can check out their website at It's way fun to read, because there are events and news there you won't see anywhere else. The long version of this publication's name is "Long Haul Infoshop Radical Library." It reminds me of the issue of Akwesasne Notes I read once. It had the only news about Wounded Knee that actually told what really happened.

Related websites:

Must-See Cookville
Cookville Cityscape - helping revitalize Cookeville's downtown area
Alternative News sources online
Newspaper Directories
The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs
Subscribe to the Akwesasne Notes
History of the American Indian Movement

Here are some photos I took today in Cookeville:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Social Bookmark sites I like


A friend of mine wrote me about her favorite social bookmarking spot - it's Stumbleupon. That made me want to list my favorites. Stumbleupon is on my list, as number one.

Here is the list:

#1. Stumbleupon - I like this one because it shows the most popular sites and blogs and people can vote on them. You can suggest sites there too. It has a nice button you can put on your browser when you use it too.

#2. Twitter (because you can be in touch on many sites at once with only one entry here...) The only thing about Twitter is that it needs to be short to fit into the space it gives you. But it's nice.

#3. MySpace - started out as more of a high school friending place, but now it's open to all. You can custom-do your page, put music on it if you want, etc. and play online games there with your friends. It has a bad rap as a place predators lurk, but you don't have to "friend" anyone that asks, after all. You can invite [real] friends here.

#4. Facebook - more of a college friending place, and ditto for it (now it has expanded to include everyone). Their games or special effects on the site are more intricate, but there are less of them. You can invite people here too. I like the fact that you can see your friends' moods and what they are doing when you log in.

#5 Delicious (this used to be, now it's - good for putting your updates and site recommendations automatically on your blogs or websites with cool widgets.

Other interesting social networking or other fun sites you may like:
The Friendship Page
Make your own Squidoo page (with my referral)
The Official Second Life site (virtual worlds, more.) (find classmates from your schools)
Kind Rideshare

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Time to get kickin'

As my daughter reminded me today, it is time to get moving on my writing ideas and send back comments on hers.

There are so many irons on my fire right now, it's not funny. I have a client who is selling on Ebay, I have new business cards and a flyer to make for my tutoring business, and I am trying to start on my Ebooks too.

Then there's the garden to plant, and my websites to completely redo. And that's just scratching the surface.

So much to do, so little time. Who said that? I wonder.

Well, all I can do is just keep on keeping on. And who said that one? Hmmmmmmm......

Today I saw a family in the grocery store. The man was yelling at his kids to be quiet. He was being mean about it. I thought how lucky he was to have his kids with him. Some day he is going to miss them, and he might regret getting so angry with them.

The bitter weather has finally lifted. I am hoping that my buttercups will recover.

What sounds fun? Making a trellis out of wet willow branches. I will sleep on that tonight. One half hour earlier to bed each night and I might start getting up when I want to.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The WKU Non-Traditional Student yahoo site

The NTSO (Non-Traditional Student Organization) at Western has a yahoo chat site at:

There are people there to help with questions about classes and also about where the computer labs and tutoring areas are in case you need help with computers or writing.

All you need to do is get a Yahoo name and password if you don't already have one. Then you can sign up for as many messages as you want or even no messages. You can go there as often as you want and ask questions.

The group should meet soon for Spring. I am President so thought I'd share that in case there are some Non-trads in our group.