Showing posts with label herbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label herbs. Show all posts

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Chamomile Tea Time

Here I am examining the dream I had.

Data the Star Trek android has just vanished from the room. One minute he was sitting on the couch, the next minute he just disappears. He didn't transport either - he just faded away.

It probably directly links to Dr. Fennelly; I wrote a paper about it just now. Anyhow, the rest of us in the room were going to look for him and couldn't figure out where to start looking.

There was, of course, music in the background, which happens often in my dreams. A 5-note scale, G to C, down and down, over and over. So-Fa-Mi-Re-Do, So-Fa-Mi-Re-Do, over and over, on the piano. Then I woke up. I do like waking up and remembering my dreams though.

Some chamomile tea should send me back to sleep, hopefully. They just did a scientific study on that I read about this week - seems Chamomile tea DOES relax people's muscles. It also relaxes the brain, I think. Puts me right to sleep.