Showing posts with label Kindred Spirits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindred Spirits. Show all posts

Thursday, March 05, 2015

A link to my News, plus a current and recent book list. Some suggestions...

Good books are GREAT to have, especially if you are snowed in.

And GREAT books are even better. Here is a partial list of some books I have read fairly recently, that (if you can get out to the bookstore) may be good to pick up.

A Red Death by Walter Mosley - all his books about Easy Rawlins, put-upon and street-wise detective, are great, fun to read, and absorbing. This time the IRS is stalking him, and it's hard to tell what is going on with some church leaders and a woman who knows too much. Grade: A

Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz - I have almost finished this in tapebook format. Unusual, creative,  worth reading. A bit drawn out though. Grade: B
Kindred Spirits: A Dragonlance book - - explores the friendship between a Half-Elf and a Dwarf in Qualinost, an elven city. Surprisingly good - B+.

The Stand by Stephen King (finally reading this): Liked it! But really loved the miniseries more. I know it's not right to like a miniseries over an original book, but I can't help it. If you can find it (and it's available online) get it and watch it. But it was fun not to know what would be different in the book. -- somehow it was not as immediate as the movie. And knowing what would probably happen was not good, which might have influenced me. But there were interesting differences. And now I compare everything to the Gunslinger books, which I think are among his very best. Grade: A-.B+

I love fantasy books, mysteries, history books, and sometimes a good biography too. But lately I have been reading a lot of horror and fantasy. Hopefully you will see something interesting to put on your Try it Out booklist.

AND (just purchased at ConCave) The Horror at Oakdeene & Others, short stories by Brian Lumley. I have never seen this before, and it's a collection of his early short stories. I just love his awful vampire stories. I say awful, because he writes about the meanest, vilest, most evil vampires ever. Seriously. This book might not have them in it. But that's OK.

I may re-read these all someday. And a heads up, if you want to read something truly scary, and unique, try these: The Necroscope Saga. 

These books explain much about vampires  - - and some of it is "out of this world". You will know what I mean when you read the books. Of course, the environs of Transylvania and the Balkans figure prominently. And the AGE of certain vampires, where they exist, their history, and the powers they have, will give you major creeps. Grade: A


AND here is my News (such as it is) this week too, which I have put on my Garden Spot blog this week. It talks about snow today, digging out, I-65, a <handy> snow removal service, a new Songbook, photos, and projects.

Onward and Upward!


FYI: Some of my other websites and blogs are: The Nontraditional Student Blog and website, GS Betsy's E-blast (for Kentuckiana Area 17 and Beyond), From the Garden Spot (another Betsyanne blog), The Find Scholarships and Grants blog, and The Teacher Tree (I will be working more on this one later this year).