Showing posts with label Kentucky summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kentucky summer. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Little by Little.... attacking the wild weeds and bushes... The Legend of Tarzan, plus more news.

Venturing Out - - - Into the Jungle.

I have SO many bushes and weeds, but slowly, they are being clipped and cut.

A little at a time, I'm going into the Jungle here. I have thought a machete would probably help out. Plus, I could look cool at the same time!

Talking about jungles, the Tarzan movie The Legend of Tarzan was excellent. I hope they have a sequel.
Via Wikipedia.

My Old Jungle.

Yes, I still miss the Willow Tree. The above is a later pix of it. I think this is after the storm.

But still have hopes of replacing it with a smaller species later.

Other news: I have made some more discoveries online - - new websites, new links.

Here are a couple to share:

Pocket - - a really fast way to share sites or save them to look at later 

I use this one all the time. It really saves me time. And gives me something to look at later.

Mailchimp - - using as my new mail service for newsletters 

I've used this once, and it had a learning curve, but it wasn't too bad.

It is hot - hot - hot and humid here at the Garden Spot.

More news: The Girl Scout troop is hopefully coming to glaze their pots sometime this or next month.

I have a GS Songs and Games training scheduled which should be fun too.

The house next door didn't sell, but I think I MIGHT have a new neighbor.

The BGAMUG Computer Club is still going, and we hope to have new officers soon for it. The Nomination Committee meets tonight.

Follow me on Facebook for more news and links.

I hope you are having a GREAT summer.


Onward and Upward!

And be sure to visit my other blogs and sites:

My selling site: The Best Books and Collectibles

My personal and business blog: The Betsyanne website

The Nontraditional Student website and The Nontraditional Student blog