Saturday, April 02, 2005

Lesson Planning and Websites

Originally uploaded by betsyanne.
I get to do this... then do two websites as part of final projects. PLUS a construction board display to go in back of my computer.

PLUS a notebook... final papers, etc. etc.

I wrote my final story and called it "The Village" and talked about diversity.

I re-wrote my first story (Creative Non-Fiction one) and made it better and longer and included info. about the Native American history of the woods too.

Much to do.

I got the dreaded rejection letter from the Zephyrus. Now I get to put the Stephen King Spike up on the wall and start putting my rejection slips there until it's all filled up. That's about how long it should take until I'm published, if it works like it should.

I have turned in my poem and several hundred words to an online group. Maybe this will be helpful, we can help each other and not have to pay.


Much to do. I'll send Mom a link here, too.

What a week.

I have two years to make good, because I have to catch up with my hero, Stephen King. I did what his nightmares talked about, but I'm not going to give up.

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