Monday, July 29, 2024

BEING PRODUCTIVE TODAY with two different blogs. Same copy. Will be changing these up this year sometime.

I have had a VERY productive day.  

Now am posting THIS to two different blogs. We'll see what happens. Later, it won't be so glitchy on these...

 I am cleaning out paper boxes, clothing boxes, miscellaneous boxes, and lots more, plus am keeping up with a growing laundry work area. This is all a good thing. 

I am still on Blogger, and plan to move over to another platform later. 

I tried to put some photos/images here, but it's a no go today. Things I have found today: Interesting clothes, some too big, some too small, plus Lesson Plans, Lists, and plenty of scratch paper to use and make into notepads. 

More news and bragging, too: 

1. I made a Bill Sheet and listed everything - EVERYTHING on it. This has proved VERY helpful. Now I just print one out each month, and go from there. This has streamlined my time some!

2. Have done more trimming in the back yard, concentrating on lower branches and bushes. Have lots more to do. 

3. Vacuumed! A lot! 

4. Put things on the Calendar - - which is a usual thing. But trying to spread things out more. Calendar victories include contacting NAMI to let them know of their website glitch, checking more dates, and finally getting on the Democrats in BG Mailing List. Hopefully. I have made my calendar 11 x 8 1/2, which folds just right, but the boxes to list events on are very small. Am learning to print neater, so I can read it easier. Sending cards and letters out as much as possible. My goal was one a day, but this is hard to do. If I count emails as letters, I am doing well. But the letters and cards are better to do. 

5. I am posting a lot of exciting memes online. This is fun. I have a lot of Friends on FB who post neat things, so this is not hard.

6. I found some teaching resources and kept a few. It was fun to reminisce some about my rollercoaster ride into teaching a while back. It was so stressful - - and they REALLY needed a good Induction Program. I may not teach professionally again, but learned a lot. There were some fun days, but most NOT. I did not stop working after going through these papers. 


The Garden work is progressing. I raked and then mowed all the weeds down nicely. My sister gave me some great boards and side fasteners, so I will be able to do some planters in the Garden Area by next year IF I can get the sun-blocking trees down by then. I hope to fill them with smallish branches, some great un-chemicalized soil, and more. 

WHAT I FOUND: I found some neat stamps - - plus some Stamp Pages for a book, more medium and large Clippies (that held daily Lessons from my short Teaching stint that I don't need). Also a beautiful Victoria's Secret light robe. All it needs is a belt. So will be either making one, or finding one that matches later. In the meantime, I have a nice skinny belt that will work. I also found a Chair Exercise pamphlet! This will work until I find my class online or in person. 

MORE: I threw a bunch of stuff away. Also will cut a homemade terrycloth robe up in LARGE pieces to use for shoe drying, etc. 

So what is new with you? Did you also have a productive day? 

Leave a comment!

 -BetsyanneOnward and Upward!

And be sure to visit my other blogs and sites:

The Nontraditional Student website and The Nontraditional Student blog